Chapter 3 S4

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I like donuts. Do you? 🍩🍩🍩

You ran through with the others and entered. People were wondering why it was so weird. It's like they knew you were coming. You all stopped in front of a vase.

Nighteye: it's here. There's a device here to open a hidden passage. By holding these wooden floorboards in a specific order... It'll open.

Bubble girl: it's like a ninja residence! right?

Centipeder: if you hadn't used foresight, we wouldn't have noticed it. Be careful of quirks we haven't seen yet.

A hand grabbed the opening doors and three henchmen were there.

Centipeder: bubble girl! Take one of them!

Centipeder and bubble girl held them off while the rest entered the basement. When you came down, there was a dead end.

Police chief: it's a dead end...! You sure you're not mistaken?

Rock lock: explain yourself, nighteye!

Mirio: I'll go take a look.

Kirishima: lemillion, wait! Your clothes might-

Amajiki: it's all right. Mirio's costume is made of a special fiber made from his own hair. It's made so it becomes permeable when he activates his quirk.

Mirio put his head through and then back out.

Mirio: there's a wall behind this. But it's a pretty thick wall.

Rock lock: with chisaki's ability to break down and restore things, is this even possible?

Fat gum: a cheap trick...

Izuku: it's like he's telling us he'll be in trouble if we go this way.

Kirishima: yeah. Good luck to him if he thinks that'll stop us!

Kirishima and Izuku broke down the wall revealing the hidden hallway.

Rock lock: you guys aren't too bad...

Fat gum: they beat me to the punch.

Y/n: let's go!

The hallway began shaking and moving

Kirishima: the path is rolling...!

Izuku: it's changing!

Police chief: it's not chisaki! It's different! The only one it could be... Is the director, irianaka! Irinaka's quirk, mimic, let him go into objects and control them freely from within! He's gone into the concrete that makes up the underground, and it's turned into a living maze!

Rock lock: but it's on too big of a scale! He shouldn't be able to control objects bigger than a fridge!

Y/n: he's obviously used a booster drug! Damn! If only I could teleport! Chisaki! Give me my little sister back!

You ran forward stumbling a little. Following a mirio who went in front of you.

Y/n: lemillion, permeate your entire body!

Mirio: okay!

Y/n: hollow purple!

The hollow purple went through mirio and began making a hole through multiple walls and breaking a lot of the hallway. You and mirio continued moving forward.


It's weird nothing happened for a long time. Irinaka hasn't changed the hallway.

Y/n: it's been really quiet huh?

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