Chapter 5

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Izuku said he was contacted by all might so you both just went to the beach to talk to him.

Izuku: all might!

Y/n: Idiot!

All might (spitting blood while in his skinny form): whose that?

Stranger: all might?

Stranger 2: no way! Where?

Y/n: oops! Wrong person! You idiot Izuku don't say it's all might when it someone else!

Izuku: sorry!

Stranger: aw, what?

Stranger 2: I was hoping to see him...

All might: thank you, young gojo. Quick thinking. Anyway, congrats you two on getting accepted.

Y/n: thanks, old man!

Izuku: th-th-thank you very much!

You both high fived him.

All might: just so you know, I didn't tell the school about my connection to you two.

Izuku: huh?

All might: you're the type to think that's cheating, right? I wasn't one if the judges.

Izuku: th-thank you for your concern!

Y/n: I wouldn't care if you did.

Izuku: But I was surprised to find out that you were a teacher at UA. So that's why you came here, huh? I mean, your agency is in roppongi in minato, tokyo at-

All might: stop that! I couldn't tell anyone before the school announced it. I just happened to be offered from UA when I was searching for a successor.

Izuku: my body broke with one kick and one punch from one for all. I can't control it at all.

All might: that can't be helped. It's like if you asked a persin who suddenly grew a tail to do a trick, they wouldn't even be able to control it.

Y/n: wait, did you know that would happen?!

All might: well, there wasn't enough time... But it turned out all right. It runed out "all might"! Right now, you're either at a hundred percent or zero. But once you can control it, you'll be able to adjust what your body can handle. (He picked up two empty cans.)

Izuku: control?!

All might: the more you train a vessel, the more you'll be able to move the power freely. Like this. (he became buff and crushed them)

Y/n: idiot.

Stranger: wait, is that all might?!

Stranger 2: no way! When did he get here?!

All might: let's go, young gojo, young midorya!

Izuku: y-yes, sir!

You all ran away.


Inko: Izuku, do you have tissue? Y/n, do you have your bandages and spare glasses?

Izuku: yeah.

Y/n: mhm!

Inko: and your handkerchiefs? What about your handkerchiefs? Your hankies?

Izuku: I have it! We're going to be late. We need to hurry.

Y/n: yeah!

Inko: Izuku, y/n!

Izuku: what is it?!

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