Chapter 11 S3

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Mera: well, for all hundred people of you who passed the first test, please watch this.

Izuku: it's the field...

Uraraka: I wonder what's going to happen?

There were a lot of explosions. All the buildings, mountains, and any other structures were destroyed.

Izuku: th-this is...

Mera: the next test will be the last one. We will have you perform rescue exercises as bystanders in this disaster site.

Kaminari and Mineta: "bysliders"?

Toru: "bystanders." they're people who happen to be at the scene. We learned this in class, remember?

Momo: It can also refer to ordinary citizens, though.

Mera: we will assume that those of you who have passed the first test have received your provisional licenses and test out how well you can carry out suitable rescue procedures.

Izuku: rescue...

Shoji: there are people in there.

Sato: huh? Elderly and children?!

Mineta: that's so dangerous! What are they doing?

Mera: they are people who have undergone training to be professional people-in-need-of-rescue and are in high demand right now- The "Help Us Company," or "HUC" for short!

Sero: professional people-in-need-of-rescue?

Tsu: there are a lot of jobs out there, huh?

Ojiro: it's one adapted to this world where heroes are so popular.

Mera: the people from HUC have dressed up as injured victims and are on standby throughout the disaster site. We will now have you all carry out their rescue. In addition, we will score your rescue based on points and if you have more points than the benchmark at the end of the exercises, then you pass. We will start in ten minutes, so please use the restroom and take care of any other necessary business right now.


(let's skip to the rescue exam)

Mera: villains have begun a large-scale terrorist attack! This is occurring in all areas of "city name here." Due to buildings collapsing, there are many injured.

Tsu: This is the scenario for the exercises, huh?

Jiro: huh? Then...

Tsu: it's starting.

The room unfolded like last time.

Mera: due to heavily damaged roads, the first group of rescue workers has been delayed!

Kaminari: this opens up, too?

Mera: until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Save as many lives as you can. Well then... Start!

A loud honk was heard and everyone ran.


You ran alone trying to find people. You took off your blindfold.

You found a young girl, she was crying.

Young girl: *crying* mommy!

Y/n: are you ok? Don't worry, I'll save your mother but what about you?

She continued to cry. You didn't want to do this! But you had to! It was the ultimate sacrifice...

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