Chapter 2 S3

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Aizawa: yes. Pixie bob more monsters.

Pixie bob: with pleasure!

Pixie bob: with pleasure!

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Y/n: this is too many!


Pixie bob: now, remember what I said yesterday? "today is the only day we'll be doing stuff for you"!

Ragdoll: at least make your own food! Curry!

Everyone: yessir...

Ragdoll: hahaha! You all look exhausted! But that doesn't mean you can make any sloppy cat food!

Iida: let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone! Okay...


Mina: todoroki!

Y/n: can we get fire over here, too?

Sero: bakugo, use explosion to light this.

Katsuki: like I would, scum!

Instead of lighting it he broke it.

Katsuki: huh...?

Momo: if you only rely on others, then you will not learn to light a fire.

Y/n: didn't people rely on you to help them study?

Todoroki: no, it's fine.

Uraraka: wow, thanks!

Y/n and mina: burn, burn, burn it up!

Uraraka: you can't burn it all up.


Everyone: thanks for the food!

Everyone began eating quickly.

Kirishima: If I got this at a restaurant, I wouldn't be very happy, but in this situation, it's delicious!

Sero: don't say that! It's rude!

Mina: yao-momo, you eat a lot, huh?

Momo: yes. My quirk turns lipids into various atoms to create things, so the more I eat, the more I can make.

Sero: it's like poo.

Sero: it's like poo

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Jiro: apologize!

Sero: I'm sorry!


You woke up from a nightmare. All sweaty and stuff. It was about geto. The only people that knew were Izuku, mina, and the police. You couldn't tell utahime or nanami, they'll hate you. You can't lose all your childhood best friends in less than a month. You kept having nightmares about them finding out and screaming at you. Calling you a monster. You wouldn't blame them. It was your fault... Everything was.


You were tired while training, you didn't sleep well.

Pixie bob: neko neko neko! More importantly, everyone, tonight... We'll have a test of courage with classes pitted against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot and the stick!

Y/n: serious-oof!

Pixie bob: so, do your best right now!

Everyone: yessir!/yessir...


(skip next curry part nothing interesting happens, so let's skip to the TEST OF COURAGE)

Pixie bob: now, we've filled our bellies and washed the dishes! Next...

Mina and y/n:... It's time for the test of courage!

Class 1A failures except mina: we're gonna test it!

Aizawa: before that, it pains me to say this, but the extra lessons group will be having extra classes with me now.

Mina and y/n: you've gotta be kidding me!

(would've used a gif but idk why it isn't working)

Aizawa: sorry.

He grabbed them with his scarf and pulthem.

Aizawa: your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time.

Class 1A failures: give me a break! Let us be tested!


Pixie bob: okay, so class B will be the first to be the scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you.

Tokoyami: revelry in the dark...

Pixie bob: those being the scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your quirks.

Tiger: the class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!

Jiro: stop it. That's filthy.

Iida: I see! They're trying to make us refine our ideas by making us compete with each other, giving us more options for our quirks in the process! As expected of UA!

Pixie bob: now, you'll draw lots to determine your partners!

(same as show, so skipping the partners since they don't last to the attack

Pixie bob: *sniff sniff* what's this burnt smell...?

Izuku: that's...

Mandalay: Black smoke...

Iida: is something burning?

Y/n: could there be a fire on the mountain?!

Pixie bob glowed pink then got pulled. Somewhere.

Pixie bob: w-what?!

Mandalay: pixie bob!

???: those pet cats are in the way.

Pixie bob was on the floor with a wound on her head. It was probably caused by the big stone the villain was holding that he was placed on her head.

Mineta: wh-why...? I thought they made double sure...why are their villains here?!

Y/n (thoughts): seriously, when I wear my glasses there is a villain attack?!

Izuku ran towards pixie bob.

Izuku: pixie bob!

He was stopped by tiger.

Mandalay: oh, no!

Y/n and Izuku (thoughts): Kota!

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