Chapter 6 S4

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You woke up in a hospital bed. You had a really bad headache but other than that you felt fine. You got up and took out the IV. You walked out the door.

Nurse: sir? You have to stay in your room until a doctor allows you to leave.

Y/n: sorry, I have to check on my sister. Where is she?

Nurse: stay in your room and then when the doctor fills you in you'll be allowed to see her. She has been quarantined because she has a fever.

Y/n: ughhhh fine...


Doctor: alright, you're perfectly fine and your sister is on this floor just head left and you'll see her.

You immediately went out. You spotted aizawa with Izuku walking down the hallway.

Y/n: homeresu-sensei! Izuku! Wait up!

You walked over to them.

Izuku: y/n! You're awake.

Y/n: the doctor finally let me leave.

Aizawa: sorry, I wasn't with you when it counted.

Y/n: that's fine. It was my fight anyway.

Izuku: anyway, how's everyone else?

Aizawa: Kirishima has bruises and lacerations on his whole body, but he'll live. Amajiki cracked a bone in his face, but none of his injuries will leave a scar. Fat gum jas broken bones in a few places, but he seems fine. Luckily the blade that stabbed rock lock didn't hit any vital organs, so his wound won't develop into anything serious.

Izuku: I'm so glad...

Aizawa: I'm not done. Sadly, jerry died because of his injuries.

Y/n: I was there. I didn't act fast enough. I was too slow to realize.

Aizawa: you can't save everyone, gojo. You have to learn that. I thought you did when the geto thing happened but not.

Izuku: um, what about we eri?

Y/n: she has been quarantined because of a fever. She is still asleep. She overused her quirk. But I know she will be fine. She is my sister after all.


Izuku and aizawa went to visit nighteye. He was on his deathbed you would've felt uncomfortable being there since you didn't know him that well. You decided to visit fat gum, amajiki, and kirishima. You first visited your grandfather. Chisaki put him in a coma you didn't blame him for what happened to eri but you still didn't like him for introducing chisaki to her. You then went to fat gum.

Y/n: fat gum, are you okay?

Fatgum: y/n! You're awake. Don't worry about me, a few broken bones never kept me for long. Amajiki is still sleeping, he was barely conscious when he saved eraser head.

Y/n: thank you, fat. You're training was brutal but it helped me become a lot stronger. Thank you for helping save my sister.

You bowed.

Fat gum: it's fine, I am a hero after all!

Your visit to kirishima was short and brief since he was told to rest. They kept you in the hospital because of your reaccuring headache.


After a couple of days, it was time to head back. You were standing with Izuku.

Kirishima: midoriya! Are your injuries okay?

Izuku: yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.

Officer 1: y/n gojo, Izuku midorya, ejirio kirishima. Sorry to bother you right after your discharge, but we'd like you to come with us to the station to answer some questions about the shie hassaikai incident.

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