Chapter 10 S2

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*ring* *ring* *ring*


Utahime: hello? What do you want gojo?

Y/n: *sniff* h-have you heard from geto?

Utahime: are you okay? Are you crying? Whoa what going on?! Did something happen to geto?

Y/n: meet me at the spot.


Y/n: hey fatgum...

Fatgum: whatsup?

Y/n: I'm gonna go talk to a friend it's very important, I also need to go to the hospital at hosu. Apparently, the police chief wants to talk to the people involved with stain.

Fatgum: alright. I'm sorry for not helping you with stain.

Y/n: it's my fault. I went to fight when you told me not to.


Utahime: are you ok?

Y/n: you know how stain was captured by the police? And how endeavor beat him?

Utahime: yeah.

Y/n: that's a lie. I think they're doing it so we don't get in trouble. Only the police know but the people that beat stain were Izuku, Iida, todoroki, me, and g-geto.

Utahime: I assume you beat him easily since you aren't in a hospital.

Y/n: well I did beat him but I almost died. I would've if I didn't perfect the reverse curse technique... If I didn't master my healing. But while I was out of commission... Geto fought him and lost badly. I thought he died and I destroyed stain, I unleashed hollow purple and If I didn't lower its power I would've probably killed him.

Utahime: because you said I thought he died I'm assuming he isn't dead, so where is he? He didn't come to our apartment yesterday. So where is he?

Y/n: I don't know. According to Izuku, he woke up and told him to give us his goodbyes then he ran away. The police are trying to find him. I'm sorry utahime... I'm sorry. If only I beat stain the first time. If I wasn't too cocky! IF I WASN'T SO GOD DAMN WEAK! g-g-geto might not have left. I'm so stupid... Making my hero name the limitless hero: Infinitum. Making a speech of how I chose that name because my power is infinite and how I can and would beat every villain! AFTER I SAY THAT I LOSE MY FRIEND BECAUSE I WAS TOO WEAK TO PROTECT HIM. I promise that I won't bring shame to the hero infinitium anymore. I'll become the strongest ever. I will never let that ever happen again.

Utahime: it's not your fault y/n. Geto had some weird stuff in his room. I could hear him talk about weird stuff. Sometimes he would call the people weaker than him monkey's this would've happened anyway. But we'll get through this.


Gran Torino opened the door.

Gran Torino: oh, are you wounded kids awake?

Izuku: gran Torino! Y/n!

Iida: manual...

Gran Torino turned to Izuku.

Gran Torino: kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you.

Izuku: oh! S-sorr-

Gran Torino: but before that, you've got a visitor.

The police chief walked in.

Gran Torino: hosu's chief of police, Kenji tsuragamae.

They all stood up except Izuku who was getting off the bed.

Kenji: oh, you can just stay seated, woof. You must be the UA students who brought down the hero killer, right? I've already met y/n.

Iida: it was mostly y/n who brought him down. We tried to but y/n beat him in a fight.

Kenji: I'm sure you all played a part. Regarding the hero killer we arrested... He had fairly serious injuries, with burns and broken bones, and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof. Since you are UA students, I'm sure you already know that when superpowers were still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and made sure quirks were not used as weapons. And then the profession of "hero" emerged to fill that gap, woof. For an individual's use of force and powers that can easily kill others- actions that normally would be appropriate to denounce- to be accepted officially is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the profession, woof. Even up against the hero killer, for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their quirks without specific instructions from their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules. The four of you, and the pro heroes endeavor, fatgum, manual, and gran Torino must receive strict punishment.

Todoroki: wait a minute. If Iida hadn't done anything, Native would've been killed. If midorya hadn't come, the two of them would've been killed. No one realized that the hero killer had appeared. Are you saying we should've followed the rules and watched people get killed?

Izuku: w-w-wait!

Y/n: what if we were killed todoroki? We fought someone who has killed multiple pros! When. We. Were. First. Years! Heck, I almost died!

Kenji: exactly. Also, are you saying that as long as it turns out all right, it's okay to bend the rules?

Todoroki: isn't it a hero's job to save people?

Kenji: that is why you are not a full-fledged hero yet. Goodness, what are you being taught by UA and endeavor, woof?

Todoroki: you dog! (seriously todoroki? He is a dog!)

Todoroki began walking slowly over to him.

Iida: stop it. He is absolutely right.

Gran Torino: hang on a minute. Hear him out until the end.

Kenji: that was the official opinion of the police. And the punishment and such would only happen if this were all made public, woof. If this were made public, you would be applauded by the public, but you would not be able to escape punishment. On the other hand, this is a bit underhanded, but if it is not made public, the burn scars would support endeavor being the hero who saved the day, and it would end here, woof. Thankfully, there were very few witnesses. This violation could be crushed here, woof. But this also means no one would know about your good judgment or achievements. Which do you prefer? Personally, I don't want to be the one to find fault with promising young ones because of one big mistake, woof.

He made a thumbs up with one hand.

Manual: either way, we will need to take responsibility for being negligent in our supervisory duties.

Iida walked up to manual and bowed.

Iida: I am truly sorry.

Manual hit Iida on the head lightly.

Manual: all right. You'll cause trouble for the others! If you understand, then don't do it again!

Iida: I won't!

Izuku: I-I'm sorry.

Y/n: I also apologize.

Todoroki: please take care of it.

Kenji: because of the unfairness of adults, you would not be able to receive the praise you would probably have gotten, but at least, (he bowed) as someone who also protects the peace, I can say thank you.

Todoroki: please start with that next time.


Mina: WHY WOULD YOU FIGHT THE HERO KILLER? YOU COULD'VE DIED SNOWY! I am sorry about geto though. Hopefully, they find him.

Y/n: pinky my ear. I'm pretty sure the entire district heard you through my phone. But thank you, it was tough telling utahime but she said we would get through it. The best thing is that I mastered my healing and was able to combine the infinites making a powerful move!

Fatgum: come on, y/n! We got a busy day ahead of us! We have to patrol then train!

Y/n: sorry, pinky gotta go! We'll talk more when I get back.

Mina: goodbye snowy!

*end call*

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