Chapter 4 S5

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Aizawa: talk about what you learned about what you learned or would have done differently.

Kirishima: if I'm not trying to brawl with my opponent, it's hard for my quirk to be useful. If this was the real thing. I would've been killed when shiozaki caught me.

Y/n: I learned how much Nanami improved. We won so I don't think I could've done any better! I beat half their team and shinso assisted me with the third!

Kaminari: I did great, right? Didn't I make you love me? Go ahead and love me! It's fine, love isn't something you can control! Go ahead, it's fine!

Tsu: Kirishima... Losing him. I wish we could've won without losing anyone. We were all over the place.

Shinso: the binding cloth.

Tsu: kero?

Shinso: I could've even used a tenth of what I'd learned. It was frustrating.

Aizawa: if you do it right away, then you wouldn't have to work hard. It took me six years to master that. Don't forget that frustration when you move on.

Shinso: yes, sir.

Aoyama: two of the work-study students have serious reflections.

Sero: isn't that what you'd expect?  The shie... Hassaikai, was it? I heard it was a pretty intense fight. If you experience fighting like that even if it's just training, your frame of mind, or like, motivation would be different. I don't see gojo doing any serious reflection though.

Jiro: compared to that... Jamming-yay's chaotic actions felt out of place...

Aizawa: listen. Kirishima, you should focus on setting up your opponent for a head-on fight.

Kirishima: yes, sir!

Aizawa: gojo, have you forgotten about geto? Don't let your goals stand in front of your teammates. If you hadn't left Kirishima would've never been captured.

Y/n: yes, sir.

Everyone noticed y/n's mood change when geto was mentioned. He went from being happy and charismatic to serious.

Aizawa: kaminari! You weren't fighting seriously at the beginning! Are you unable to use your true strength unless your teammates get beaten?

Kaminari: yay...

Aizawa: asui. Think about how to cover for a mistake quickly rather than about your mistakes.

Tsu: kero.

Aizawa: use what you learned today in your training from now on. That's all!

Y/n and Kirishima: yes, sir!/homeresu-sensei!

Kaminari: yay!

Tsu: kero!

Vlad king: teams in the second match, get ready...!


Vlad king: Go, kendo team! Start the second match!

Mina: stop the biased commentary!

Jiro, kaminari, ojiro, sero, y/n: stop!


Vlad king: Komori and fukidashi came out to the rescue when kuroiro was in trouble. By attacking waves from a distance, they're giving the class A team a hard time. Is this the real strength of class B?

Mina: stop the biased commentary!

Mineta, todoroki, y/n, uraraka, Jiro: stop!

Tetsutetsu: she created an advantageous situation for herself in no time! Her plan was right on the money! What did I say? She's smart and makes quick decisions calmly! That's our kendo for you!


Tetsutetsu: you're a credit to class B, kendo! All right!

Todoroki: yaoyorozu, I hope you don't get discouraged again.

Vlad king: second match! The class B team has a complete victory with a 4-0 score! Class B, good job! Congratulations!

Mina: stop the biased commentary!

Mineta, todoroki, y/n, uraraka, Jiro: stop!

Vlad king: Congratulations!


Monoma: HAHAHA! The second match was a complete victory for class B, huh? Like at the school festival, class B will win in the end! But there's no need to feel frustrated about, class A. It's just that the difference in ou-

Mina: do it!

Monoma: ah!

Y/n: congratulations Monoma! The score is now 1-1.

Monoma: have you finally come to the realization that we're better than you? HAHAHAH-

Kendo: sorry about that.

Mineta: he never changes, huh?

Mina: I don't know why he does it when he knows she's gonna hit him.


All might: y/n, tsukauchi, and gran Torino need to take you to Tartarus.

Izuku: shouldn't we tell him about OFA?

All might: fill him in later. This is important.


*at Tartarus*

Y/n: so you needed me to speak with AFO?

Tsukauchi: yes, he asked to see you. He said he'll reveal some information. Go in and sit on the chair. You go inside and sit facing AFO.

Y/n: what did you need, old man?

AFO: hello, gojo. You gave me quite the beating, didn't you?

Y/n: I'll give you another one if you want, after all, I am the strongest!

AFO: tell me about your parents.

Y/n: my mom abandoned us after eri rewinded my dad to before his existence calling us cursed.

AFO: tell me about your father.

Y/n: he was quirkless and worked an office job. He still came home and spent time with us.

AFO: Your father wasn't quirkless. In fact, he lost his quirk. Also, he worked for me as a spy, giving me information about lots of things, especially about you. Shame that he died. Killed by your half-sister.

Y/n: what do you mean, half-sister? Eri is my full-blooded sister.

AFO: oh? Have I misspoken? I revealed a secret that he told me or did I already know? Was that his mission? You tell me, son.

Y/n: n-no! You're lying!

AFO: I gave you his quirk. It was too powerful for him. Don't worry! You're still a gojo, he is a descendant of other brother. I told him to marry my mistress and have a kid with her to hide the fact that I had a son. They both listened until that bitch abandoned you.

Y/n: I d-don't believe you!

AFO: how do you think the league knew about where you were? We have a chip that listens in and tells us your location in your shoulder. We also used it to confirm what the traitor at UA told us.

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