Bonus Chapter 2: Preparing for the Job

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(And the final bonus chapter is here! I've waited so long to post this! Finally! If you don't know, Fire Emblem Echoes came out before Three Houses. I would like to think Alm reincarnated as the gatekeeper to join the Three Houses cast. Anyway, Merry Christmas Eve! Enjoy!)

(Alm's POV)

              I checked myself in the mirror. I have to look good on my first day as the gatekeeper. That's right! I'm the gatekeeper of the Garreg Mach college starting today! It has been a while, but I'm pretty happy that I have a job here!

"Alm!" Celica's sweet voice shouted as I turned to her.

The two of us are currently here, because Celica is finishing up her master's degree at a prestigious school in Adrestian. However, she did get some scholarship money, but not a lot. That's where I come in! I offered to get a job for her, since I wasn't going to college. She was surprised by that, but I was working for our family's company anyway. Sure, I passed it on to Berkut, but he still let me have a good job with good pay. I didn't see the reason for going to college. As for Celica, she really wanted to. She wanted to be a professor in language and history. Of course, I supported her and helped her get to her dream school. Now, I just had to find a job here! Which isn't too hard!

"There you are" she said in relief.

Oh, right, we are living in an apartment together in Adrestian. It is simple enough for us, and Rinea already paid it off too. Ah, Celica. She's still as beautiful as ever. Her hair grew longer along with her height, but she was still a little shorter than me. She wore a white dress with red sleeves. She had a pair of red slippers on too. She still wore the bracelet holding her partner, Mila. She also had her backpack.

"Celica, aren't you going to be late for class? You should get going" I pointed out to her.

"I know, I know, but you're going to work. I just wanted to make sure you were ready too" she said with a smile.

Aw, that's just like her. I pressed my lips to her head and gently held her.

"Don't worry. I'll be just fine. It is a simple guard job. Sure, it is a little different from running the family shop, but it won't be hard" I reassured her, "And I have Duma to help me in case things get out of hand. I don't think that will be the case, but hey, I'm prepared"

She sighed in relief and replied gently, "Alright, but if anything happens, quite the job and find another that is less dangerous. I'll see you once my class is over. I'll head over to your job"

"Sounds like a plan to me, my princess" I teased with a bow as she laughed.

She departed from the apartment as I sighed with confidence. Now, I should probably head to my job. Garreg Mach? Huh. Sounds very studious! I wonder what it is like!

"Knowing our luck, something insanely stupid" Duma answered as I choose to ignore him.

(Claude's POV)

Another day, another scheme for the Schemer! This time, we are going to create a play. The Black Eagles get to be the workers at the commission stands and the Blue Lions are the actors. Where does that leave me and my fawns? We get to design the stage and the props! Oh, right, the play. Yeah, we are doing Beauty and the Beast and I don't get it.

"Claude, get down from the chandelier this instant!" Lorenz exclaimed in his usual huffy manner.

Oh, and I am hanging from a chandelier too. That's normal though, so I don't know why he is complaining really. What am I doing while hanging from the chandelier besides feeling the blood rushing to my head? I was reading the script to the play and trying to figure out what kind of props we need.

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