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james read the last letter, tears rolling down his cheeks. he'd read it over and over again, trying to find an answer.

he blamed himself for regulus' death, for sirius' pain.


he'd been missing for a few days. too overwhelmed with grief and shock, he took off to merlin knows where. everyone was in shock and the entire castle seemed quieter.

turns out that regulus had left quite a few letters. to the headmaster, to his family, his friends, and his ex-lover.

lily didn't understand why james was so grief stricken, but she tried her best to comfort him, which james appreciated.

he never knew what the breakup had done to regulus, what keeping their relationship secret had done.

in the weeks that passed, sirius eventually came back and james came clean about his brief relationship with his best friend's brother. lily was a bit surprised, but not upset. sirius was infuriated at first, but he came to accept and live with that fact.

in the years that passed, james eventually got married to lily and had a child, who he named harry regulus potter, after his first love.

the night james died, his last thought was that he would see regulus again, and he did. all of them, in heaven together, watching sirius be taken to prison, and peter disappear forever.

they watched sirius and remus fall in love and get married, and they watched both of them die at the hands of the people who had killed all of them.

they watched their child grow old and have children, and they did it together, not as lovers, but as friends.

regulus had long since gotten over the breakup and instead decided instead of hating the boy, he will continue to love him. platonically.

as it should've always been.

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