July 7, 1942

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Once again, Bucky was waiting as Madeleine gave birth.

Evelyn waited with Bucky and sat impatiently in her chair.

The little girl glanced at her father. "Will Mama be okay?"

Bucky nodded. "I think Mama and the new baby will be just fine."

"What baby do you want?"

"I just want the baby to be healthy."

"Oh. I want a sister."

"Well, we'll find out soon enough."

A few hours later, a nurse walked up to them and said, "Mom and baby are healthy. You can come see them if you'd like."

Bucky picked Evelyn up, as she was reaching for him, and walked into Madeleine's room.

A tired Madeleine smiled and said, "Hey, Buck. We've got another little girl."

Bucky stroked his daughter's head and smiled. "Welcome to the world, little one."

"I was thinking of naming her Rebecca Mae."

"After my sister and your mother. It's perfect, Maddi."

Evelyn grinned as she yelled, "I have a sister! Papa, can I see her?"

As Bucky lifted her up, he said, "Becca is sleeping, so you need to keep your voice down, okay?"

Madeleine smiled. "Becca. That's adorable."

"It just slipped out."

"I love it."

Evelyn patted the top of Rebecca's head. "You have the best mama and papa in the whole entire world. And I'm gonna be the bestest big sister."

Bucky stroked Rebecca's hair back, then kissed Madeleine's forehead. "Evelyn and I will let you get some rest. You never cease to amaze me, doll."

Madeleine smiled tiredly. "Don't let her bribe you into buying her sweets and too many toys."

"I'll limit her to one toy and we'll get something for Becca."

"That sounds wonderful. I'm looking forward to see what you get."

Bucky pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "Rest well, Maddi. I love you."

"I love you too, Buck."

"And me?" Evelyn asked.

"And you, darling."

Bucky and Evelyn left and the little girl took her father's hand as they walked to a nearby shop to pick out two toys.

Rebecca Mae:

Rebecca Mae:

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