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[Since it's short, and I left y'all on that mean cliffhanger...]

Madeleine woke and found herself in what seemed to be an unfamiliar lab.

She tried to stand, but was prevented from doing so as she was bound by a metal bar.

A bespectacled man said, "There's no use in trying to escape."

Madeleine glared at him. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Who I am doesn't matter. Only what you can do for us does."

"I can't do anything for you."

"Oh, but you can, Agent Barnes. You are resourceful, strong, and exactly what we are looking for."

Madeleine sneered. "Get me the hell out of here before I shoot your ass."

"You have no weapons."

"Then I'll kick you and throw punches. Or just verbally wound you. My husband and friend will find me, as will fellow soldiers. They'll save me."

He smiled. "Yes, your husband. He is next on our list. Once we find him. Word is he and his unit aren't far."

Madeleine's eyes flashed. "You stay away from him!"

A cloth was tied around her mouth as another man said, "You talk too much."

The bespectacled man nodded. "Thank you. Now, shall we get started?"

A machine was turned on and Madeleine's eyes widened.

She struggled against her bindings as she screamed.

Whatever torture they planned to unleash upon her would certainly be a far worse hell than anything that had happened to her before.

She could only hope her husband wouldn't be captured, that her daughters would be safe, and that she'd be rescued.

But hope was a thing that could be snuffed out if one tried hard enough.

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