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"I don't see what the problem is," Bucky said. "You're the last eligible man in New York. You know, there's three and a half million women here."

"Well, I'd settle for just one," Steve replied.

"Good thing I took care of that."

Madeleine frowned and asked, "Buck, what did you do?"

Bucky smiled and kissed her cheek. "Just helped our friend out a little. I've only got eyes for you, doll, so you don't have to worry." He waved to the dates, Connie and Bonnie, he'd lined up. "They wanted to come together."

"Hey, Bucky!" Connie greeted, noticing Madeleine, Evelyn and Rebecca. "Your wife is gorgeous and your daughters are adorable!"

Bucky nodded, glancing between his girls. "Yes they are."

"What did you tell her about me?" Steve asked.

"Only the good stuff." He grabbed Evelyn's hand before she could run off. "Stay close, Evie."

Music played and the expo announcer said, "Welcome to the Modern Marvels Pavilion and the World of Tomorrow. A greater world. A better world."

"Oh, my God!" Connie cried. "It's starting!"

Madeleine gripped Bucky's left hand excitedly as she let out a small squeal.

Evelyn held her hands up to her father. "I can't see, Papa."

Bucky let go of Madeleine's hand and picked Evelyn up and the little girl stared in awe at the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Howard Stark!" Mandy introduced.

Howard entered the stage and kissed the announcer.

A woman yelled, "I love you, Howard!"

Howard addressed the audience at the World Exposition fair. "Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all." The female assistants took the wheels off the car on stage. "Yes. Thanks, Mandy." He addressed the audience again. "With Stark robotic reversion technology, you'll be able to do just that."

Howard turned on the switch of his machine and the car started to hover off the ground.

"Holy cow," Bucky muttered.

"Oh my-" Madeleine whispered.

The robots making the car hover suddenly malfunctioned and the car fell back on stage.

Evelyn jumped and Rebecca whined.

"I did say a few years, didn't I?" Howard said, causing everyone to laugh.

Steve disappeared, and Bucky and Madeleine noticed.

"Hey, Steve, what do you say we treat these girls..." Bucky began.

"He left," Madeleine said. "And I think I have an idea."

"Lead the way, Maddi." He took Evelyn's hand while Madeleine held Rebecca.


A woman said to her male company, pulling him away from a mirror making him look like a soldier, "Come on, soldier."

Steve stepped in front of the mirror but was too short to fill out the face.

"Come on," Bucky said. "You're kind of missing the point of a double date. Of sorts. We're taking the girls dancing."

"You all go ahead," Steve told him. "I'll catch up with you all."

"You're really gonna do this again?"

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