A Late Night Party

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After Sam's and I's reconciliation, the day went by as normal. The only thing different was that Sam and I ate dinner together. It was hard to wipe the lovesick and dopey grin off my face, but Sam had the same grin too. 

 Illyana gave us a few looks at first, but she knew that I would let her know what happened between Sam and I even if she has to kidnap me away to talk. 

When Sam and I were done with dinner, we brought our trays to Roberto, who took them with a grin, "Hey Liv. Sam." He greeted and threw a wink to Sam like I wasn't there. 

"Hey, Berto." I greeted. "Berto."  Sam said in a warning tone, looking embarrassed. He only raised his eyebrows in fake innocence and took the trays to sink with a Cheshire grin.

"What was that about?" I asked Sam, when we left the cafeteria. 

"I have no idea." He said with his cheeks going a bit read as he intertwined his uninjured hand with mine. 

"Mmhmm." I said, a grin breaking out on my face. He only glanced at me once before darting his eyes away, unable to make eye contact. "It's just Berto being Berto." He dismissed. 

"You know, I don't mind if you tell Berto about us." I said and squeezed his hand with hopeful reassurance as Sam's hands began to sweat. "I tell stuff to Illy." 

He snapped his head to me so face, that I could almost hear his bones pop. "You tell Illy about us?" He asked, incredulously. "Of course, I do. She's my best friend. Just like Berto is yours." I explained. 

"I wouldn't say that Berto's my best friend." Sam said, shaking his head. "Well, he's the only other guy here and you need guy time." I said, "Just like I need girl time with Illyana." 

"That's very sweet of you to say, Feya." Illyana interrupted, stepping to my other side that wasn't holding Sam's hand. I didn't even hear her came up behind us. She looked over my head to look at Sam, "You've had her for the whole day, Kentucky. I'd like to hang out with her before lights out, so go away." She said brashly, but that was typical Illyana. 

 "Illyana, you can't just tell my boyfriend to go away." I protested. I knew Sam wouldn't say anything to not start a fight. 

"Boyfriend?" Sam asked, causing Illyana and myself to look at him. "Yeah, unless you don't want to be." "No, no, no." Sam said, quickly. "I do. I didn't know we were at that point in our relationship." 

"Sam, we literally confessed our feelings for each other. I would like to be your girlfriend and I want you to be my boyfriend." I said. 

"Yeah?" Sam asked softly, looking deeply into my eyes and a large grin growing on his face. "Yeah." I grinned back.

"Okay," Illyana spoke, breaking into our moment. I kind of forgot that she was here. "Before I puke because of you both, I would like to spend time with Feya now." She looked at me, "Feya, tell your boyfriend to go away." 

Before I could get a word out, Sam said, "It's okay, Liv. I'll see you tomorrow." He lent down to kiss my forehead as I said, "Bye." before he left me and the Russian in the hallway.   

"Since when did that happen?" Illy asked. " I thought you guys weren't talking?" "Well, it happened after the therapy session this morning. I found Sam after the session was dispersed and we argued for a bit, but we were able to talk it out and make up." I explained. 

Illyana furrowed her brows, " Argue about what?" "Sam was still feeling emotional about bursting out on Reyes this morning and took it out on me." I said, but seeing the angry expression I quickly said, "I stood up for myself and called him out on it. He calmed down after that and we were able to talk." 

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