Therapy & a Talk

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The next morning was a bit tense between everyone. What was shared in the attic made everyone on edge, especially how it ended.

Though Rahne and I were the only ones that didn't share, and I was thankful that the topic of Sam and I didn't come up at all when he was in the hot seat.

Everyone piled into the therapy session room and Dr. Reyes was the last one in. She settled in her chair and placed her notebook in her lap, but didn't open it.

"Today, I'd like to talk about obedience." She said and looked around the room. "If you want any hope of moving on to my superior's facility it's crucial that I know you can be trusted."

Shit. She must know about what happened last night in the attic, which means that there are cameras up there. Double shit.

I heard the creaking from a chair from next to me and saw that Sam had raised his hand.

Dr. Reyes was surprised to see a hand being raised, so she softly said, "Yes?"

"What if we don't wanna move on to your boss's facility?" Sam questioned. "You know, what if I just want to go home?" I knew that it was on his mind. It was on on everyone's mind. Just wanting to go home.

"Sam," Dr. Reyes said softly, "you remember what happened. You think they stopped looking for you?" She asked, her tone going darker with each word. "If you weren't here, you'd be in prison or worse. The same goes for you too Olivia."

Dr. Reyes looked at me with her dark eyes, that seemed to point into my soul. I looked down and flushed as all eyes turned towards me.

"I was.." Sam stuttered, shaken up, "It was an accident." "You think anyone outside this room would believe that?" Dr. Reyes asked. 

"I would. Sam and Olivia are good people." Dani defended. "Even if I'm not, do I really have to spend my whole life in here for one mistake?" Sam asked, getting frustrated.

"Once you're better," Dr. Reyes started, but Sam wouldn't let her finish. "When am I better? When is she?" He asked gesturing to him and myself.

"What's gotten into you, Sam?" Dr. Reyes asked, deflecting the question. "Look, something's not right." Sam raised his voice. "I'm seeing things, terrible nightmares. When will I ever get better?" He asked, desperate for an answer.

"You're better when I say so." Dr. Reyes said. Sam getting too frustrated, got out of his chair and walked out, "Forget it. It's bullshit. You're not listening to me."

I stared after him in disbelief. Sam has never acted like this before. Not in the several months that I've been here. What the hell has gotten into him?

Dr. Reyes looked furious about what just happened and walked out after him. Roberto and I took it as a sign to leave.

I decided that it would be a good time to get some fresh air and walked outside. Going over to my usual spot in the garden, I heard something being knocked over and yelling from inside the green house.

Going inside, I saw that it was Sam making all of the ruckus. I could see that one of the tables was flipped over and it was clutching his left arm in pain.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked, going up to him, grabbing his arm with one hand and cupping his face with my other.

Sam's eyes were dark. His anger swirling around his normally light brown eyes that I would get lost in.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped at me and pushed my hands away from him, like they had stung him.

I stepped away from him, my eyes wide and feeling hurt. Sam had never snapped at me before.

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