Dani Moonstar

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This morning wasn't all that different from what normally happens. 

Dr. Reyes sent out the alarm that woke everyone up, I got up from my bed, took a shower with Illyana and Rahne, and got changed into the outfit for today. 

After our showers, Illyana and I went to the cafeteria to get breakfast. We all usually sat at our own table during meal times, but sometimes I would sit with Sam or Illyana at their separate table. 

It was about mid-morning when it was time for the 'therapy' session. Dr. Reyes had us sitting in a circle, so that we can all see each other as we talked, though not all of us talk. 

Walking inside, I noticed this time wasn't any different besides for the new chair on the right hand side of Dr. Reyes and next to Sam's chair. We didn't have assigned seating, but we always gravitated to the chairs we sat in from day one. 

Going clockwise, it was Dr. Reyes, Rahne, Roberto, Illyana, Me, Sam, and I assumed that the new chair would be for the new girl. 

Dr. Reyes was always nice, but stern when she needed to be. She reminded me of my Mom. There was always something off about her though. I couldn't tell if it was her too soft of a voice or the way her stare tried to show emotion, or it can be me wanting to go home and trying to find faults.

We all sat down in our chairs and Dr. Reyes pulled out her note pad and began the session. 

"Yesterday, I asked you to think about the first time your mutation manifested. Would anyone like to share?" She said. I casted my eyes down on the floor, finding my shoes to be more interesting than talking about the past. 

I've thought about it. A lot actually. I never wanted to share since it was horrible and an accident,  but the guilt still ate me up inside. I knew Sam shared the same thoughts as I about our mutation since we've talked about it before in the attic and in private. 

Dr. Reyes looked around the room and noticed that no one was going to raise there hands to share. 

"Sam?" She asked looking at him, but he just looked back down at the floor between his feet. 

"Olivia?" She asked me. I felt my throat tighten up and my stomach twist, but was able to shake my head, declining my turn. 

"Illyana?" She asked. Illyana shook her hand which Lockheed was settled on, making it look like he was shaking his head. She was also declining her turn. 

"Roberto?" She asked. Roberto was staring at the wall with a smoldering look before looking down at his lap. 

"Rahne?" Dr. Reyes turned to the last of us, hoping that someone would talk. But she also shook her head and looked down at her conjoined hands to avoid the attention. 

"Look, we can't help each other unless we talk to each other. I've said this a hundred times." Dr. Reyes said in a slightly frustrated tone. 

Which was true. She says this at almost all of the meetings since must of us don't want to share at all. I could feel Illyana's eye roll from where she sat next to me, even though my gaze was was on my feet. 

"This program can't help you if you refuse to participate." Dr. Reyes continued, but I was droning her out since, like she said, said this a hundred times. 

I saw some movement from the corner of my eye and saw that Sam had placed his good hand on his knee. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and took the sight of him in. 

His left eye was black as well as his left arm was injured from his outdoor activities or practice as he likes to call it. I hate that Sam did this to himself, but I know him well enough to know that he'll continue to do it too even though he already has a cast on. 

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