The Next Day

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Sounds played loudly in my room and scared me awake. 

After realizing it's just the alarm that Dr. Reyes plays for us to woke up in the mornings, I let myself relax. Bringing my hand up to wipe the sleep from my eyes, I looked up at the ceiling and realized that my light was off. 

Dr. Reyes must've turned it off last night after I was asleep. 

I stretched my stiff limbs and feeling my bones pop, which made me grunt at the movements. I laid in my bed, thinking about what happened last night. I'm not exactly sure what happened...maybe it was an hallucination/delusion that I experienced. 

Whatever it was, effectively scared the ever loving hell out of me. 

Deciding not to think about it too much, I got up and gathered my things to take a shower and new clothes. 

Opening up my door, I stepped out and noticed that no one else has come out yet. I guess that everyone was still waking up. Maybe Illyana is already at the showers.

Walking down the hall, I took the same route as I did last night after....whatever the hell it was. It made me pause for a bit before shaking my head and resuming my pace to the showers.

Once I reached the showers I pushed open the door, and it was entirely silent. Usually Illyana is here before me, but I guess she slept in latter than usual.

I stared at the spot that I sat in last night, revisiting the raw emotions that I felt even though I tried hard to push it back. I took a shuddering breathe to try to clear my thoughts. I made my way over to the locker area and undressed, wrapping my towel around me and walked into the showers. 

The showers was actually one of the things I hate most about this place since it was like a prison showers. No privacy what so ever from any other ones from my other female 'inmates'. In the end, you get used to it since you don't really have a choice. 

I knew that Rahne was a lesbian or had a least a little bit interest in girls since she kept flickering her eyes to my chest whenever we were around each other when I first showed up, but she was always had her eyes forward when we were in the showers together. Which I appreciated.  

Placing my stuff down in my usual spot, I turned on the water and put it on a nice hot temperature. Feeling the heat of the water made my muscles relax and felt comforting. 

I can say one thing about last night. Whatever happened last night, definitely made me sweaty. 

I heard the door open and close, indicated that someone else was here. I dunked my head under the water, getting it wet before lathering shampoo into my hair. 

"Morning, Feya." Illyana greeted as she walked in the changing stalls/locker area. She walked over to the showers and took the one that's usually hers, which was next to mine. 

"Morning, Illy." I said, continuing to lather my hair in shampoo, trying to get all of the sweat and grease out of my hair before rinsing it. 

"I heard you crying last night." Illyana said, looking at me, "Did you have a nightmare again?" She turned her head to look at me, squarely in the eye, waiting for my answer. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to lie to her. 

I took a deep breath, "It wasn't exactly a nightmare." I busied my hands with my conditioner and putting it in my hair. 

"Oh?" She said, scrunching her eyebrows. She was just standing under the water, letting it fall on her, not reaching for her toiletries just yet. 

I nodded, "Cause I don't remember falling asleep." Putting some in my hands, I started washing my face, rubbing it so hard to where I was sure that the first layer of skin would come off. 

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