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Illyana and I went inside and headed toward the kitchen. It didn't really take much to make any of the food since it was kind of easy and didn't have too many steps. It helps that most of it is canned.

We started putting the trays or bins into the line so that they can keep heated. It didn't take long before the others starting to come in and fill their trays, finding a seat/table to sit down and eat.

I, again, sat at my own table in front of Illyana's, who was drawing on her pant leg, with Sam diagonal from me, who was reading a book too. I could hear Rahne and Dani talking behind me. It was nice for Rahne to have a friend and to talk to someone as well as Dani finding a friend in Rahne.

I wished that they were more quiet though. I could hear snippets of there conversation about Sam's background. I tried to ignore the irritation bubbling in my chest and focus on my book.

"Did really well in school, but had to drop out to work in the mines with his Dad. Help the family in all." Rahne said, informing Dani about Sam.

"Poor guy." I heard Dani said, before they were too far away for me to hear.

I rolled my eyes. I hated it when people talked behind others backs, especially about information that was sensitive to them. I had a feeling that Rahne already told Dani about me and if not, it wouldn't be long until she does.

I tried returning to my book but found it difficult with all the thoughts swirling in my head. I could hear Rahne and Dani come back this way after handing of their trays to Berto.

"Something must've gone really wrong." Rahne said, with a sour look on her face.

"What's his power?" Dani asked, curious about her new 'roommates'.

"He won't tell, but he's got something. Parents sent him here to be cured." Rahne explained.

"Is there a cure for being an asshole?" Dani asked and smiled, making it seem like it was a joke. "Maybe he's just the crazy one."

"No." Rahne said, "That spot's taken." She said and glanced over to Illyana.

I could feel the irritation bubble up again about Rahne talking about my friend that way. She can be off putting and vexing and mean, but I know that it's her way of protecting herself.

"Olivia has these light powers. Dr. Reyes calls it Photokinesis." Rahne explained, now talking about me, and walked out of the cafeteria with Dani

I knew it.

I shut my book closed and got up from my seat. I grabbed my tray and walked over to Berto to hand him my tray.

Walking towards Sam, I could feel my heart racing and I did my best not to glance at him. I could feel his stare on me ever since I had gotten up from my seat.

Just as I was going to pass him, I took a quick peak at him and his own gaze his quickly torn from mine. I sighed disappointed, now he won't even look at me. Taking in Sam's features, I could see new bruises starting to form on his face from today's "practice" session.

I averted my eyes as I passed him and looked forward again to see that Berto was already looking at me with a knowing look and took his head phones off.

I warily handed off my tray to him. "Thanks, Liv." He said, taking it and placed in front of him on the counter before looking back at me or more specifically behind me.

"What?" I turned to look over my shoulder but Berto's gloved hand quickly shot out, "Nothing." He said quickly and put his headphones back on and returned to the dishes.

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