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My life wasn't easy before, but I never really complained since I had my Mom

It was just me and her. Never knew my Dad. I guess one day he went to the corner store for a box of cigarettes and a case of beer and never came back. I never worried about him though. He didn't want to be a part of our lives then that's on him and I won't miss him for it. 

I know my Mom busted her ass trying to make sure we could stay in our apartment and I almost never saw her besides for a few minutes in the morning before she left and at night when she got home. I decided to get a job at the local grocery store to help out with everything and to take some of the load off of her. 

We lived in LA in an apartment building in the bad part of town. My uncle, who I barely saw since Mom didn't want him around, lived around here too. My Mom didn't want me near my Uncle since he took part in the local gang and was doing sketchy things to get by. 

I never knew the specifics. Thinking back, I wish I did. Maybe I would've been more prepared.

One day after school, I was at home working on homework when my Uncle busted through the door. He had a panicked look on his face and was very sweaty. He told me not to say that he was here and went off to hide in the kitchen. 

I was so confused, but I sat back down at the table and let him stew in his panic. Mom had told me before that he used drugs and I had thought that he was a bad bender or something. 

It wasn't even 5 minutes later when there was someone at the door, pounding it so hard that it seemed to rattle the whole wall. I felt my stomach clench and my heart drop. Someone behind the door was calling my uncles name and demanded that he come out, open the door and let them in. My Uncle popped his head out of the kitchen, motioned for me not to get the door.  

I ignored him and answered the door. If they were who I thought they were, I was afraid that they would shooting. When I opened it, there were 4 guys standing there. They were wearing colors of the gang that operated around here. I greeted them politely and told them what my Uncle had told me, that he wasn't there. 

The leader of the 4 guys didn't believe me and said that there were people who saw him coming up to this floor and coming inside our apartment. 

They pushed inside without further words and split up. The leader led me back to the table with my homework and had me sit in the chair, and took the seat across from me, leaving the gun on the table with his fingers ready. I sat as straight as possible, afraid to move or breathe. One guy had stayed right behind me and the other two went to search around our apartment. 

One of the guys found him trying to escape using the bathroom window. They dragged him till he was in front of the leader who was still sitting down in front of me.

Everything was very tense before and it only got worse.

My uncle didn't have what they wanted, money and drugs obviously, and the leader got really mad. Thing had started to get more hostile and hostile to where my Uncle even offered me as payment to the leader. 

I was panicking my self at that point, feeling betrayed that my own blood would do this to me. The leader gestured to me and the guy that was behind me and forced me out of my chair and on my knees. The leader was threating my uncle and I could feel the cool metal of the gun on the back of my head. 

I couldn't really see anymore, as tears were strolling down my face and my words, begging and pleading for my life, were coming out a bit slurred. I squeezed my eyes shut and all I could feel was fear. 

A warmth started to come out of me, and I could see light in front of me from my closed eyes. The light was coming from my hands and all the screaming, shouting, and demands made the light go brighter and... I blacked out after that. 

I don't remember what happened or what I supposedly did. 

I woke up, feeling emotionally drained and stiff. I looked around and noticed that I wasn't at home anymore. I was in what looked to be a cell. I got up from the bench but couldn't go too far since I was hand cuffed to it. 

I was very confused as to how I got here and why I was here. 

Looking around the station, I could see my Mom talking to a gentleman in a suit. My mom was crying, the hardest I've ever seen. The suit looked very serious and was showing her things in a manila folder.  

Above my Mom, was a TV that had the local news on it. From what I could see, it was reporting on our street. I could tell that it was our street since there was the laundry mat that we used and it was conveniently across the street from our building. They were talking about our building, but it couldn't be since that building was completely destroyed and nothing but rubble now.

Then a video showed on the screen from what looked to be from a phone, that showed something hovering in mid air, suspending in light that was coming from there hands. It went closer in and I could make out what looked to be my features.  

Long brown curly hair, and olive skin. I couldn't see what the eyes looked like since they shown too bright of light to see if they were really brown or not. 

The interviews where next of what was said to be witnesses and one elderly lady said it was like an avenging angel came down from Heaven to do God's work. The bar under the image said 'An Avenging Angel or a Mutant Gone Rampant?'

What the hell was going on?

An officer came over, saw me awake and began questioning me. I told them what happened and that I don't remember anything after I seeing the lights. The police officer said that I caused the accident. 

I couldn't believe it. I wasn't a mutant. 

They went on to say that, somehow took out the entire apartment building and part of the buildings next too it with the lights. Everything was now rubble. I had killed 87 people including my uncle and the gang members. My mind went to what the tv showed, all of the destruction and devastation.

Fear and panic started to come through me again and what would happen to me now. The lights were coming back again from my hands, and seemed to get brighter and brighter. I could barely hear the people shouting around me and the commotion that was happening around me. 

I felt a painful prick in my neck, and the lights stopped coming from my hands. I grabbed around the area and pulled out a dart. I looked around and saw that my Mom had a tearful and fearful look on her face as she saw the scene in front of her.  

I tried to say something to her, but I blacked out again just shortly after. 

The next time I woke up, I was in a hospital like place. There were beds lined up and the light was that eerie color that only came from hospitals. I tried to get up but saw that I was restrained again. 

I thought I would be able to take them off seeing as it was only  a buckle but, as I found out, it was charged with an electricity. Only giving a small charge, but it still stung. 

I heard a voice over the speakers before I met Dr. Reyes. She arrived shortly after and said that I was in a safe place. She explained how I was now a mutant and would stay here until I was deemed ready to move on. She showed my to my new room, that already had clothes on the bed that weren't my own. 

I didn't meet anyone else that night besides for her, but the next day I met the others that were already here. Illyana, Rahne, and Sam. Illyana was a bit of a bitch at first but she came around and soon became best friends and confided in one another. 

A few months after I arrived, Roberto showed up one day. He was kind of a douchebag and a bit of playboy as he always tries to flirt with Illy and I. 

Rahne, Sam, and I were sort of the good 'students' while Illyana and Roberto were the bad ones as they always seemed to go into solitary the most. Sam and Roberto got on really well, but mainly so since they were the only guys here. I got close with Sam too after we discovered we both had killed people accidently with our mutations, but never really got into specific detail.  

5 months after Roberto showed up, another new person is brought in. Dr. Reyes tells us it's a girl but she's in the hospital wing at the moment and we're not to disturb her. 

I wonder who this new person will be and how they'll fit into our little family. 

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