The ending of something...

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Sam managed to get in front of me and Rahne, holding open the door for us. "Come on! Let's go. Let's go." He ushered me out first then the others. I didn't stop until I was a few feet from the door, wanting the others to catch up before we made a dash to wherever while Illyana was holding the demon bear's attention.

I saw Illyana handling the bear, but it could switch for her soon. The bear didn't seem to take any damage and she'll get tired sooner or later. 

"Berto," Rahne said, "you have to run with her." Berto looked apprehensive," I can't. I'm not ready." "You won't hurt her!" Rahne insisted, "You can do this." 

Berto stepped closer to Rahne and grabbed Dani from her, one of his arms supporting her back while the other supported her legs. We could all hear Illyana's fight even though out attention was elsewhere. 

"Come on! This way." Sam said, taking the lead and getting us away from the fight towards the church. 

"Go." I said to Rahne, putting my hand on her shoulder to put her in front of me. We all ran as fast as we could, while keeping Dani safe in the middle. 

Sam reached the top of the stairs and began messing with the locks on the door. Rahne dashed up towards him, bypassing Berto with Dani while I stayed in the back to shield them. 

I looked over my shoulder after hearing a rumble and saw that the bear was trying to make it's away over here and to Dani. Illyana was doing her best to hold it off, but it looked like she was getting overwhelmed. 

I took a deep breathe before turning on my heel and dashing to where Illyana was. "Olivia!" I heard Sam shout from behind me, but I couldn't be focused on him now. Illyana always said to me that my focus would need to be on the threat or else I would die. 

Right now, the threat is the demon bear and I sure as hell won't take my eyes off of this beast. 

I felt my light rush down my arms and to my hands as I held them up towards the bear. I stopped running, planting my feet firmly on the ground beneath me and let out the biggest and most blinding blast that I could. 

The bear shrinked away from my light and gave an ear deafening roar. I dropped my hands to bring them to my ears since they were ringing. 

The bear took a look at me and began charging my way. 

"Come back, you coward!" I could hear Illyana yell, but I didn't pay attention to her since I dove out of the way into a somersault of the bears tracks and just made it out of the way of being stomped on. 

I turned to see that Sam was right behind me but blasted off with his power to get out of the way of the bear. The bear didn't slow down and charged right into the side of church, like it knew that Dani was in there. 

I watched it dismantle the walls a bit more in awe and fear of its strength. How the hell are we supposed to take down or kill that?

"Feya!" Illyana called out. I looked over to see that she was standing at the side of the building, near the hole/entrance the bear made, gesturing for me to follow her. "Come here!" 

I stood up on shaky legs but was able to run over without collapsing, thankfully. Getting closer to Illyana, I could hear screams coming from inside, making my heart clench and my stomach drop simultaneously. 

Illyana grabbed my arm, dragging me over to the other side where there was a giant window closer to the roof than the ground. A screaming sound shot over our heads with a flash of purple and a crashing sound of glass. I ducked and brought my hands over my head to make sure that none of the glass got onto me. 

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