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Going to the side door, I waited for Dr. Reyes to open the door. 

Every opening was controlled by her so she could monitor our comings and goings. Just about every room had a camera in it... well besides the bathroom and showers. 

Hearing the locks click open, I waved to the camera and opened it to go outside. 

"Hey Olivia! Hold the door!" I heard Sam say from behind me. I turned to see that both him and Roberto where heading my way. I held the door open for both of them. 

"Thank you." Sam said as he walked out the door and Roberto following him, giving me a nod. I noticed that Roberto had changed into board shorts and was carrying some other supplies that looked to be for sunning. 

"See something you like?" Roberto said, trying to be charming, giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes internally, but grinned back at him. 

"Just wondering how you get your legs to be so smooth?" I said pointing them out. "Do you shave them or something, Berto?" I asked, playfully. 

Roberto scoffed and walked away from us. I chuckled as he walked away. I turned to look at Sam and he was fighting back his own laughter. 

"So, what do you have planned for free time?" I asked, making conversation with him. We started walking on the pavement that led to the basket ball court and the garden area. 

Sam shrugged his good shoulder, "I was thinking about practicing my powers." 

My heart clenches and I tense up. 

Practicing his powers was not what I would call practice since he keeps at it until he injures himself. Sometimes I think that's what he intends to do and why he still does it. I'm completely against it, but Dr. Reyes allows it for some reason. 

I quickly composed myself, "Well, good luck with that." 

I'm completely sincere about it too since I hate to see him so banged up and he knows it too since I've talked to him a few times about it. He's always adamant that it's not what he's trying to do, but I can't seem to believe him especially as he still does it time after time.

"Thanks." Sam said, looking a bit awkward and rubbed his good hand on the back of his neck, "What are you going to be doing?"

I took the book out from underneath my arm and showed it too him, "I was thinking about reading near the garden area again. I might also practice with my powers later too." 

Sam nodded his head, "Good." and we both remained quiet after that.

It was sort of painfully, awkwardly silent between us ever since the last time we were together, kissing. We've actually kissed a few times and even had times to where we made out to and we were out of breath. The difference this time was that Dr. Reyes caught us the last time. When we're alone like this, it gets awkward between us since we never really talked about it.

Thankfully it didn't last too long since the basketball court was only a few yards away. 

"I'll see you later, right?" Sam asked. 

I nodded my head, "Yea. I'll see you later." 

Sam took this as his leave and went over to the giant block of concrete that had a tether on the end. He hooks himself on it and uses his power to take off, like a cannonball. It's certainly a site to see, but I couldn't bring myself to watch it anymore since he's more than likely to get hurt. 

I continued to walk down the path, going into the garden area and settling myself on one of the seats at the table and propping my feet up on the other chair next to me. 

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