What the hell is going on?

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I decided after the whole fiasco to go upstairs and into my room for a little bit, wanting to be with myself. Showing my powers to Dani made me think back on when they first arrived and the aftermath. I only have to close my eyes to see the horrified look on my mom's face while I was in that jail cell. 

Mom, if you could see the place that I'm in and what has happened since I've been here, would you want me out or keep me in?

It was getting late in the evening when I looked over at my clock and saw that dinner started 40 minutes ago. My stomach growled just as I was thinking about food. Okay, down to the cafeteria we go. 

Walking down the stairs it was pretty empty, I passed no one else while on the way. They more than likely already in the cafeteria and eating. I just hope that I'm not too late to get something to eat. 

Opening up the cafeteria door, I saw that only Sam was left eating something while Berto was already behind the counter wearing his apron and gloves. 

Sam looked up when the door opened and gave me a sheepish grin as we made eye contact. While I was still a little cross with him, I couldn't help but give him a smile back when I passed by. 

"Hey, Liv." Berto greeted, "You are just in time. I was just about to throw the leftovers away."

"Thanks, Berto." I said, as he handed me a tray with food on it. Dinner today consisted of some sort of casserole... I think, a bowl of chicken noddle soup which was lacking in the chicken and the noodle part, and a piece of bread. 

I walked over to Sam's table and sat across from him. "Hey." I greeted. 

"Hey." He said, softly. "I didn't see you after what happened with Rahne, are you okay?" 

"Mhmm," I nodded, "After what happened with Rahne, I told Dani how my powers came about to see if that made her feel better. I think she feels at fault for what happened to Rahne."

"I think she does too." Sam agreed, "Though it wasn't only to Rahne that it happened too." 

"Yeah, but I think she's only realized it until after Illyana attacked her." I added, digging into my food. "What makes you think that?" Sam asked, leaning in. "Dani said she saw something when she touched Illyana. A memory that wasn't hers, but it was a scary one." I said quietly, not wanting to be overheard by the cameras. 

Berto already had his headphones back on not giving two shits about us, but I didn't know where Dr. Reyes was at this very moment, and I didn't want her listening. As I've said before, I don't trust her. 

"Wow." Was all Sam said. I guess that's kind of the first thing that comes to mind when finding out someone's powers. "What else did she say?" 

"Nothing else really, but I sent her to Illy with Lockheed." Sam gave me a bewildered look, "Why the hell would you do that?" "Since Illy helped me with my powers and was able to help me gain control over them. More than what Dr. Reyes ever did." I pointed out. 

"Well, I think your plan worked since they were both in here, but they didn't kill one another." Sam said. "That's great! I was sure that I would have to ask Illy, but Dani really knows how to be sensible when she needs to be." I smiled, happy that my friends were helping each other. 

I finished up my meal and handed my tray back to Berto. Thanking him again for waiting for me, I headed out to the rec room with Sam where I find Illyana with her back to the TV, coloring with crayons. 

"Hi Feya. Kentucky." Illyana greeted as she saw me, and Sam walk in. "Hi Illy. Are you feeling okay?" I asked. I noticed that Lockheed was on her left hand, which means that Dani at least returned him to her. From what I can tell, she doesn't seem to be in a murdering kind of mood either. 

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