03: sticker

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  Jay smirked, "See?"

"That's how to make a girl shut her mouth."

Jay rode his bike in speed, leaving Haesoo hanging.

Haesoo let out a deep breath and shook her head, "I'm almost falling for that."


     Jay laid on his bed after he has done showering and took Haesoo's phone. He then shut his eyes, trying to think of any passwords to unlock the phone.





He gasped as the last guess was correct. He shook his head in disbelief, "This girl is so scary." He went straight to the gallery and smiled evilly when he found the video she has taken earlier. He watched the video from the beginning until the end and chuckled to see himself was playing with kids.

He repeated the video while smiling like a tamed puppy and sent the video to his phone before deleting the whole video on her phone. He then scrolled her gallery, looking at her picture and video one by one.

He smirked when he saw a video of Sunghoon was doing his performance. He didn't hesitate and quickly deleted the video.

"This is so much better." He mumbled and scrolled her gallery again.

"This is so ugly." He said after looking at her picture.

"This one is ugly too."

"This one."

He said and sent all of the pictures to him.

Jay wore his clothes, switched off the light, and got on his blanket before continuing scrolling her phone. After a few minutes, he went to the contact and added his number. He then grabbed a chance to delete Sunghoon's number and threw the phone away before taking a long sleep.


    "Good morning, Nam Haesoo. I'm sorry for not treating you to dinner last night. Do you want to have dinner with me and my friends tonight? This is for real."

"Anyway, this is Park Sunghoon. Let's befriend from now on, Haesoo."

"Fyi, I just found out your name from my friend today."

"It sounds so fool, right?"

Jay fixed his eyes on Haesoo's phone, reading the text from Sunghoon one by one.

He rolled his eyes,

"Yes. You are so fucking fool." He replied without any hesitation and blocked the number before going out of the house.


  The next day, Jay went into the classroom with his black leather jacket and tight pants again. He then took a glance at Haesoo and took his seat which was behind the girl. Haesoo realized his presence and immediately turned her body facing him.

"Jay, can you give me my phone?" She whispered,
so the others didn't hear their conversation.

Jay rolled his eyes and mind his business without minding Haesoo who was waiting for him to respond.

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