08: creepy man

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   "Tomorrow is the competition day. I hope he will do the best." Haesoo mumbled with her eyes glued at the sky. She had nothing to do after arriving home, so she decided to take a rest on the balcony of her house while listening to some ballad songs. Haesoo gripped her phone, kept taking a glance at the screen just to wait for someone to text her. There's no one else in her mind other than the guy she fell in love with. After bumping into him earlier, everything suddenly felt so strange.

Sunghoon just walked past her, didn't even take a glance at Haesoo who was with Jay. Haesoo was so confused to see his behavior. Sunghoon who used to be so sweet and polite to her suddenly turned into a cold and silent person after the scene earlier. Haesoo wanted to think positive, maybe he was acting that way because he was exhausted from training all day long. So, she just waited for him to text her because she doesn't want to disturb him at this time.

A few minutes past and Haesoo was still waiting for him. She stared at his name on the phone and parted her lips, realizing that he was texting someone else instead of her. At this moment, she realized that they were just nothing to him. All of the sweet things he did to her at the library were nothing, just protecting her as a friend should do. Haesoo felt so special to be with him, but to Sunghoon, she was just someone that seems so good to discuss when Hyuri wasn't alone with him.

Haesoo sighed heavily and put her phone away before wearing her hoodie. She took her purse, went out of the house at almost 11 at night.
The street was so silent since it was already late to go out but Haesoo was so starving for ice creams. So, she didn't mind about the bad thing that might happen to her and just walked along the street, heading to the convenience store that was a few meters apart from her house.

After a few minutes of walking, Haesoo stopped on her way when she spotted Jay and his friends were gathering at the park. They were playing an instrument while Jay was the one who was singing. He chuckled along with his friends when one of them accidentally played a wrong chord and started to tease each other.
Jay laughed, didn't notice that Haesoo was there, watching him silently.

Haesoo smiled at Jay when their eyes met and she quickly fastened her steps when he called her because she knew that the guy might want to tease her or put a prank on her right in front of his friends. Jay chuckled. He followed her from behind and stopped her by holding her wrist causing her to look at him in confusion.

"Jay, this is not the good time to tease me."

Jay looked at her for a long time and finally let go of her.


Haesoo raised eyebrows, "What...?"

"I'm just trying to make sure that you're good."
He replied calmly and headed toward his friend again.

Haesoo shook her head in disbelief before continuing to walk to the convenience store.
She kept walking without turning to her back, only minding her business. Haesoo slow her steps when one of the street lights suddenly turned off. She looked around the place and realized that she messed up when the other street light started to do the same thing. The place was so dark and she needed a flashlight to go through the street.

"Fuck." She swore as she realized she left the phone on her bed earlier. Haesoo changed her direction, hoping for Jay and his friends to be still there at the park even though it will take almost 5 minutes to be there. She fastened her steps with her heart beating so fast and gasped when she heard someone was following her.

As soon as she turned her head to the back, she widened her eyes when she spotted a guy with a creepy look was following her with something in his hand. Haesoo couldn't do anything other than run to the park faster. The creepy guy turned around, checking on the condition before chasing her from behind.

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