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"Jay, wake up."

"Jay, why did you leave me alone?"

"You told me that you won't leave me alone."

"Then wake up, Jay."

"How can I live without you?"

"Without seeing you?"

"Without hugging you and talking to you?"

"Jay, you heard me."

"Then reply to me."

"You need to open your eyes and stay with me longer."

   Haesoo pulled Jay closer to her embrace and cried harder as she could. At the same time, Sunghoon and his friends came into the house to bring Haesoo out of the situation since the ambulance has arrived in front of the house.

Haesoo shut her eyes, got so dizzy after crying too much. Sunghoon then came towards her, pulled her away from Jay but instead, she groaned and whined as she didn't want to let him go.

"Why doesn't he wake up, Sunghoon?" She cried harder.

"He will be alright, Haesoo." Sunghoon comforted her, gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder. As soon as Haesoo let go of Jay from her embrace, Sunghoon hugged her tightly while patting her back several times.

"I will accompany Jay," Yedam spoke up with his gaze glued to the group of rescue who brought Jay to the ambulance.

Yoonhyuk groaned loudly as he got arrested. The police harshly pushed him into the car and ignored every word that the guy spoke. Yoonhyuk screamed for help from his father, kept kicking the door and the mirror to break it apart but he failed when the police knocked him out causing him to lose consciousness.

Jisung walked out of the house and stopped at the door to talk to his friends, "I have informed him about this his parents. Let's meet at the hospital."

"Make sure there's no reporters or any media see him," Sunghoon added, still comforting Haesoo in his embrace.

"Will Jay be alright, Sunghoon?" Haesoo cried.

"He will be alright. I promise you, I will take care of him for you."

"Promise me." She tilted her head and met his eyes with tears keep rolling on her cheeks. Sunghoon smiled at her while gently wiping off tears from her cheeks. "Promise. Anything for you, Haesoo."

Hyuri brought Haesoo with her,
"Haesoo, you should clean yourself. The blood-stained your dress."

Haesoo shook her head, "I want to be with Jay."
She stood up and walked out of the house to follow Yedam since he wanted to go to the hospital with Jisung. Before she could run to them, Sunghoon stopped her.

"Clean yourself, first."

"But I want to meet Jay." She sobbed in tears.

"Jay doesn't like to see you this way. If you want to make him happy--" Sunghoon paused, gently wiped her tears, and cupped her cheeks.

"Please wear something beautiful and nice. He will be so happy once he wakes up. Do you want him to get sad after seeing you cry over him with the blood still on your dress?" He brushed her hair, gave a sign to Hyuri to bring Haesoo to the room.

Hyuri held Haesoo's hand tightly,
"So, let's wear something beautiful to meet him. You want to see him happy, right?"

Haesoo nodded.

"I want to meet Jay after dressing up." She spoke.

Sunghoon smiled, "I will bring you to him."

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