16: drop out

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    Sunghoon took a glance at Haesoo's desk with an anxious look. He had no idea what to do anymore. He called the girl a few times but the call always got rejected, he went to her house and waited for her for a long time but yet, she didn't show up anymore. He went to the school today with the hope to meet the girl again and took his chance to explain about the bouquet at the night festival but sadly, the girl was absent.

Soohyun stepped into the classroom, looked away when everyone was looking at her and started to drag about the moment she betrayed Haesoo on the night festival. Some of them laughed when someone spoke up about the moment she got humiliated in front of others. Sunghoon was a guy who doesn't like to see someone get humiliated and always advised people who were always laughing at someone's fault but for the first time in his life, he didn't back up the girl and just let her get humiliated.

Soohyun bit her lips, held her bag pack, and went to her desk while holding her tears. She took a glance at Sunghoon who was pretending to be busy instead of stopping the others who were humiliating her and sighed heavily, finally realizing that no one was on her side other than the old version of Jay.

The feeling of regret came through her mind.
The feeling she missed every moment of her with Jay when they used to be dating and everything related to him. The way he treated her--- no one could ever do that to her. now she realized that she would never be that special to someone again.

Soohyun took a glance at Jay's desk and lowered her head when Hyuri caught her. She shifted her gaze to Haesoo's desk, raised her eyebrows when the girl was absent along with Jay.

"Where are you looking at? Are you planning to use Haesoo again?" Hyuri started to pick a fight as she noticed that Soohyun kept staring at Haesoo's desk.

Sunghoon closed the book, tried to stop Hyuri from picking a fight with Soohyun in front of others. The situation started to get fire when Soohyun stood up, approached Hyuri angrily when the girl suddenly picked a fight with her even though she was just minding her business.
Since Hyuri and Soohyun were both had anger issues, it's hard for them to be gentle to each other.

"What's your problem?"

Hyuri clenched her fist, "At least apologize to Sunghoon for everything you have done."

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"Haesoo lost because of you."

Soohyun crossed her arm, "Is it my fault? She lost because she loves to walk around the place alone. Why is it my fault?"

"Haesoo will be with me if you didn't change her task. Just tell me that you didn't want Sunghoon to confess--"

Soohyun sighed heavily, "Do you think I know that Sunghoon wanted to confess to her? I had no idea!"

"Then, why did you take her task?"

Soohyun took a moment to reply.
"Because I want to give the bouquet to Jay. I want to apologize. I want to befriend him. It's not related to Sunghoon."

"I admitted that I lied to Haesoo. I know that I'm wrong. But why did you keep making this problem bigger?"

Sunghoon put Hyuri away from Soohyun.
"Haesoo lost, Soohyun. We had no idea where she is." Sunghoon spoke to her softly, trying to calm her from getting mad again.

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