20: two birds

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"Forget everything I said to you, Haesoo."

"Go to your friends. I will do this." Jay said while collecting all of the wood again before continuing to look for the others. He didn't take a glance at Haesoo who remained silent ever since he confessed to her. He walked, just minding his business.

"Jay...." Haesoo called him but he didn't stop.

She ran towards him.

"Jay, I want to say something."

"Jay, the truth is---"

As soon as Haesoo took a step forwards, she accidentally stepped on the mold and slipped into the water. Jay turned his body facing her, widened his eyes when she struggled to swim in the water. He put the wood down, quickly took off his clothes, and jumped into the water to save Haesoo who almost drowned.

He swam towards her, surprised when she didn't give any response, and slowly drowned in the deep water. Jay pushed himself towards her, immediately grabbed her waist, and brought her out from the water.

Jay put her down while gasping for breathing.
He looked at her who lost consciousness and leaned his head to her chest to hear the heartbeat. He got on his position, pumped her chest several times before leaning to her chest again.

Haesoo didn't give any response.

but he didn't give up, just doing the same thing.

"Haesoo, can't you hear me?"

"Haesoo." He gasped for breathing because he was so exhausted.

He tilted her chin, leaned his face closer, and placed his lips on her to give her his breath. Jay pumped her chest, groaned when she didn't give any response. He cupped her cheeks, took a deep breath before placing his lips on her again and again.

He shut his eyes, gave everything he has just to save Haesoo.

As soon as he let go of her, Haesoo finally gave a response. She gazed at the sky while gasping for breathing. Her hand reached to her chest, patted it to calm her heart from beating so fast.

"Sunghoon, come to me," Jay said on the phone weakly.

"She needs to go to the hospital asap."

"What happened, Jay?"

"Why did you sound so weak? Are you in pain?"

Jay didn't respond and changed the topic.

"We are near the waterfall."

"Take Haesoo with you. Don't mind me."

The phone slipped from his hand as he fell next to her, groaning in pain when his chest ached so bad.

Haesoo went silent, collapsed a minute after Jay lost his consciousness.


"Haesoo, can you hear me?"

Haesoo slowly opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows in confusion when the room wasn't familiar to her. She was blank, wondering how did she end up in the hospital room instead of being with her friends at the waterfall. Haesoo turned her head to the right, looked at the bright sky blankly.

"How did I end up here? Am I in the hospital?"

Sunghoon sat on the bed, interlocked his finger with hers with his eyes locked on her.
"You almost drowned, Haesoo."

"Jay saved you from drowning and soon after that, you lost your consciousness. Everyone was so anxious to see you and Jay laid next to each other, didn't give any response when we called both of you."

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