17: bouquet & red ribbon

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"Since both of you were having a bad day, we have decided to go to the park to release our tension. No matter what happens, you should go with us." Hyuri spoke in the middle of dinner with her friends and did a high five with Yedam as he was agreed with her.

Sunghoon took the last sip of the soup and patted Haesoo on the shoulder to get her attention. She turned her body facing him, looked at him in confusion while waiting for him to speak. He smiled, reached his hand to hers, held it tightly.

"Are you good with it? He asked her softly, looking directly into her eyes, so she could tell him the truth.

Haesoo took a moment to reply, "I don't know, Sunghoon... I'm not feeling good these days.."

Sunghoon smiled, "It's okay. I will accompany you. I will make sure you're safe."

He showed his wrist to her,
"Hold me when you feel anxious."

He opened his arm,
"Hug me if you want to cry."

He showed his palm,
"Interlock your fingers with mine if you can't control yourself."


Haesoo nodded, "How about you, Sunghoon?
Are you good with this? You're still sick.."

Sunghoon chuckled, "I would be so good if you're good."

"What is your decision?"Jisung spoke up making both of them look at him at the same time. Hyuri and Yedam put their spoon down, waiting for their answer curiously.

"I'm going." Sunghoon waited for Haesoo to respond.

Haesoo smiled, "I will go with you."

Everyone cheered happily and added more foods to her bowl.


"Can I ask Jay to come with us?"

All eyes were on her.

Yedam gasped, "Why?"

Haesoo shook her head,
"Jay has been living alone since his parents moved to another state. He must be so lonely without them."

She continued, "we should entertain him too.."

Sunghoon looked at the girl speechless.

"Since when you become so close to Jay?" Jisung asked curiously.

"He is so cold and bad to us. I don't think we will have a great conversation with him."

Haesoo immediately denied it with his words.
"Jay is a kind-hearted--"

Sunghoon interrupted,

"Alright. Just ask him if you want to."


Haesoo looked at the screen of her phone for a long time as she hesitated to text Jay, asking him about the picnic with her friends tomorrow. It's so awkward to talk to him again after 2 days of leaving each other without any words. Jay didn't text or call her after the day she left his house. it made Haesoo hesitant to text him, talking to him like they are close.

Haesoo was anxious about him, especially when he lived alone without anyone by his side. But after a long time of thinking, Jay wouldn't feel sad or lonely because he already had his girlfriend by his side, Soohyun.

Haesoo was surprised when he was using the chat app, showing online under his name. She tapped the keyboard, trying to ask him out and stop when the moment Soohyun's mother told her about Soohyun and Jay's relationship crossed her mind.

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