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   These couple of weeks was so tough for Haesoo and her teammates. The preparation for the night festival was so exhausting to be done. Haesoo got less sleeping and ate because she needed to do a lot of work with Angel since the night festival will be a very special day for PJS and SHone. A lot of artists and legendary fashion designers will attend the festival, so it should be perfect, as no mistake at all.

Ever since the head of the department came back to South Korea, Haesoo was nervous if the chief don't give good feedback on her work. Mr.Park and Mrs.Park were watching the preparation for the festival 24/7 hours. So, Haesoo needed to be so careful about what she was doing no matter what.

"Night Festival will be held in less than 24 hours. You can sleep and eat for a long time with your friends soon. Take a short vacation--"
Haesoo stopped on her way when Mr.Park got into the elevator.

She immediately bowed until Mr.Park greeted her back. They stood in the elevator without saying anything, just fixing their gazes on the screen that will show up the number of the floor.


Haesoo shifted her gaze to Mr.Park nervously.

"It's been a long time since I haven't seen you, right?"

Haesoo nodded.

"The last time we met is the day of Jay--"

He shook his head when Haesoo's smile slowly faded away when Jay was mentioned in the conversation. He barely smiled at her and patted her shoulder making the girl look at him in confusion.

"You get prettier."

"If Jay is here."

"He will never stop praising you in front of me."

Haesoo lowered her head and smiled.
"Thank you."

"Haesoo, I'm sorry."

"For what, Mr.Park?"

Mr.Park sighed, "For being selfish."

"Haesoo, have you ever wondered..."

"What will happen to you and Jay if I don't force him to get into an arranged marriage with Jung Nami?"

"He will be so happier with you. He will get married to you and flex about you in front of everyone."

"It's my mistake. If I don't--"

Haesoo spoke up, "Don't blame fate, Mr.Park. It happens because God wants to. So, don't blame yourself and try to back to the past."

She smiled at him, "I will be alright. I'm healing right now. It's hard for me to move on from the past."

"Because there's no way I could forget your son in my life after everything he sacrificed for me."

"I will get used to his leaving. I will try to find happiness in someone else."

"Even though it seems so hard to do, I will try."

"We need to move on... no matter what, right?"

"Such a good young woman. I shouldn't question the reason my son fell for you anymore." He giggled and took a step forward
when the elevator stopped at the 8th floor.

NIGHT FESTIVAL [제이훈]ᴇɴ⁃ Where stories live. Discover now