22: prom

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this chapter contains sensitive and mature content. This chapter also included sexual harassment and dangerous action.
Please skip if you're uncomfortable.


Jay stared at the voice text he sent to Haesoo for a long time and patted his chest to calm his heart from beating so fast. Jay seems so lost. His face was so sick and his body got weaker each time. He refused to get any treatment from the doctor, kicked everyone away from his room because he wanted to be alone. Jay suffered in pain. Not because of the disease he has been facing right now, but it's because of the heartbreak he faced with Haesoo, the girl he deeply loves with.

Jay has done everything for the girl and now, he wanted to forget his feeling for her. So, she could be happier with Sunghoon, and Jay could live in a better way without facing heartbreak for the third time.


Jay shifted his gaze to the window instead of facing Soohyun who went into the room without his permission.

"Leave." Jay coldly said.

Soohyun approached him, "Jay, you shouldn't stay this way. You need to get the treatment."

He scoffed, "Now, you care."

Soohyun sighed, sat on the bed, and turned his shoulder to face her. She reached her hand to his cheeks but he quickly slapped it, pushed her away from leaning her body closer to him.

"Then, do you want to give up--"

"I gave up a long time ago."

"Why do you want to give up? You have tons of money for the treatment. You could easily have done the surgery. You can live happily if you get your treatment."

Jay lowered his head, sighed.
"Happily? I don't deserve to live happily. I always get hurt. I am always being left behind. I always get cheated on. I'm always the one who gave so many efforts to others and got nothing in return."

He continued, "I was born to be this way. I was born to be a loser, to be alone, and a second option. Living a happy life? It's impossible."

Soohyun held his hand tightly,
"You're not alone anymore. I will always be with you. I will always support you."

"I made a lot of mistakes. I'm one of the reasons you turn this way. I cheated on you. I used you to get closer to Sunghoon. I know that I'm wrong."

"But Jay, can I get a second chance?"

"A second chance to change everything between us."

Soohyun looked into his eyes,

"Can we move on from the past and be together like we used to?"

Jay didn't respond, making Soohyun pissed off.

"Why do you need to hurt yourself for someone who fell in love with someone else?"

"You know how much she loves Sunghoon. Did you see how her eyes sparkled when she met him?"

"Do you remember the night festival? I still remember the moment I got a bouquet from Sunghoon. She hand the bouquet to me and cried after that. I saw how broken she was."

"What if she sleeps with Sunghoon when you are busy caring about her in silent?"

"Do you still want to hurt yourself for her?"

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