Chapter Six.

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* slight fluff ahead ;)*

    Traveling for a few weeks off road and camping in the forest can get rather very tiring, but not too bad to complain about it. Plus (y/n) wasn't the one to complain about mud or the cold, having gone through much worst before. That and she knew better than to complain about it. Maybe it was because she was trained in Kaer Morhen but she was one tough soul. She and Geralt had been traveling from town to town or wherever they heard that there was a monster problem. Mostly staying on the outskirts of the towns and sometimes in inns, they spent their times together slowly getting to know one another. They had been traveling a few days off road when they finally decided to stay in a small town. (Y/n) walked into the inn first seeing as Geralt was getting Roach situated in the stables. She told Alpine to follow Geralt so she could get rooms for them. Upon walking in there seemed to be a grumpy looking innkeeper reading the paper. It smelled of old wood, alcohol, and surprisingly coffee mixed into the scents. (Y/n) had her hood up, the shadow created by the hood covering her face. The inn lobby was quiet, as expected seeing they arrived very late at night. She cleared her throat only to get the attention of the grumpy innkeeper. He looked up and down at her scanning her with suspicion.

"Two rooms please," (y/n) said softly yet weighed with a commanding tone. The innkeeper continued to scan the mysterious female stood before him filling the room with silence after she spoke. Then the keeper groaned and looked back at his paper before answering her.

"We only have one room left," the keeper groans out grumpy that he has to work this late, but what can one do to live in this poverty riddled kingdom, with their emperor caring nothing but their own wealth.

(Y/n) sighed at the response before she drops the coin amount on the counter. She was lucky that she didn't spend too much when it came to her spendings. "I'll take the room."

The innkeeper looked at the coins and decided that he would raise the price on her, late fee and all. "You're four orens short," grumpy man spoke setting down the paper then turning around to reach for the last room key hanging on the shelves.

(Y/n) knowing exactly what the keeper was doing was in no mood to put up a fight so she decides to let the man raise the price, she did also feel for the keeper since she knew the feeling of not having enough money to live. "I will pay afterwards," she says snatching the keys from the man who held it out. She had spent what was currently left of her money on her, or at least money of their currency. She had a few other coins of different currencies since she traveled around constantly. "Oh and I would like a tub hot water to the room too," (y/n) added to which was followed by a aggravated groan in response.

Taking the key she left the inn lobby to head over to Geralt to get them to their room. She went towards the stable but then instead to run into something hard when she turned the corner to head into the stable. After stumbling backwards and almost falling back, she was caught by Geralt.

"Oh, sorry—" They both said in unison which made (y/n) crack a small smile.

"It's fine. My fault for not paying attention. Anyways, I got us a room," she says jingling the key to the room in front of the tall Witcher. "Only downside is that they only had one room," she relays the message as she turns around to head to their hut.

"That's fine," Geralt answers, following after (y/n).

The room looked to be quite spacious but it featured only one big bed and lounge chair on the corner wall next to the door. The room was cold as all source of warmth was not lit up yet. She shivered slightly after walking into the room. She took a deep breath in and out, seeing the breath leaver he in a white fog. She took in the smell of old wood mixed with wool and animal fur smell. Geralt walked in behind her and scanned the room as well. Then he walked over to light the fire to warm up the freezing room. One part of the room she knew was warm was the bathroom, seeing as she could see the steam of the hot water creeping out of the crevice between the door and the ground. Geralt saw the bathroom too as he gave a questionable look to (y/n) raising as eyebrow at her.

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