6. Poop Porridge

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"Do I have to do this?"



"Then why do you have a baby if you can't do this?"

"I didn't-"

"Anyway, you have open the diaper, dump it, clean the ass, put powder, and then again make him wear a diaper." Jisoo instructed but I was stumped.

How do I-

"Can I do it with my eyes closed?"

"Your wish." She said.

Currently, me and Jin's sister are alone in her house along with Jungkook and Jisoo's youngest child.

And we're potty training yay-

Note the sarcasm.

I gulped and looked at Jungkook who was biting...on a carrot squishy and giggling. He was laid back on his back and his legs were spread out waiting for me to do the cursed ritual.

Jisoo's kid, Minho, was sitting upright holding a flower squishy and staring at my hesitant face.

He pulled Jisoo's dress and pointed towards me with his chubby fingers probably asking 'what the fuck is she doing?'

I don't know what I'm doing too but Jisoo won't be able to help every single day. I have to make sure Jungkook is well taken care of until the time of separation.

So, I slowly unwrap the small tapes at the either side and pull the flap down...


I push the flap back up and coughed. Holding the urge to puke then and there.

Jisoo was gaping at me with eyebrows raising in disbelief.

I cleared my throat and decided to do it again.

C'mon you can do it yes!

My eyes were set on a painting that was straight ahead while my hands were doing the job downside.

"Good job!" Jisoo clapped suddenly causing me to drop the baby powder and some powder spilt on the floor but I quickly picked it up and pushed the spilt powder under the table with my feet.

"What are you clapping about?"

"Look down!" She grinned.

I closed my eyes and gradually opened one eye for any sort of dangers but nothing was wrong.

Jungkook was somehow wearing the diaper correctly and the eww diaper was in the dustbin.

Wow damn-

"You passed the 'Poop Porridge' stage! Congratulations! Now we shall get into 'Feeding Madness' stage!" She again clapped enthusiastically but I felt my whole energy drained out hearing the names.

Now I have to feed him. Great.

I followed her to the kitchen where two high chairs were standing high and two bowls of goodness in them. I mentally cringed when I saw the thing that was in the bowl.

Poor babies.

"That was Chaeyoung's chair but she has now grown up so she doesn't like to sit in there. Good thing it has come to use after all these years." She said and placed Minho in one of the chairs.

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