45. Female Dog Crossing Her Limits

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"You're weird."

"No I'm not."

"You are weird."

"Nope, you are."

"You're we-"

"Can we stop?"

"Sure." Jin munched on his pancakes while leaning back on his chair. Yeonhee rolled her eyes out of annoyance when he kept chewing without uttering a single word. His eyes were big and bits of syrup was smothered all over his lips.

"Why aren't you talking?"

"You told me to stop." Another sigh.

"I said to stop your bullshits and talk like a normal person!" She explained but Jin paid no heed to her whatsoever and was focused in devouring his food only.

"Kay...how ay ya' roin?" He babbled while his mouth was full of food.

A defeated sigh escaped her lips, "I'm doing fine Jin, what about you?"

"Oh, Aum roin no hu bah mashelf."

"You're a shelf?" She giggled.

Jin gritted his teeth in frustration and gobbled down the pancake pieces that was in his mouth all in one go. Fuck etiquettes.

"I meant, 'Oh, I'm doing not too bad myself." He quoted his words from earlier but paused between each word as if mocking her to not understand his food language.

Yes, there's food language.

"You didn't get it?! I'm hurt!"

"I do understand your toothbrush language though." She nibbled on a piece of a freshly cut apple.

Jin exhaled heavily, "Points for that."

Just as Yeonhee was about to pop another piece into her mouth, someone interrupted her.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" A lady came in the break room and slyly took a seat near Jin. He obviously shifted towards the other side feeling extremely uneasy.

"Me? And Jin?" Yeonhee blurted out stupidly.

"You're on the nickname basis? Jinnie dear, do you see what that woman did?" She coyly placed her manicured nails on his chest. Jin resisted the urge to puke at the nickname but he kept his cool.

"It's Seokjin to you, Bittern- I mean Britney." He gulped and went back to lick the syrup off his plate.

"It's a lie isn't it, Jinnie?" She batted her eyelashes.

"Seokjin." He corrected.

"I need some bleach to clean my ears and eyes! Be right back!" She hopped down her seat and was about to leave the room when a intentionally done high-pitched voice stopped her.

"You! Stop right there!" She turned around with a constipated smile and her eyes enlarged when she saw the lady approaching her with her bust literally about to burst.

No pun intended.

"What right do you have to call my Jinnie, 'Jin'?!" She screeched crossing her arms around her chest.

"Stop being delusional and he's my friend, okay?"

"Me?! A delulu?! How dare you peasant?!" She shrieked and stepped one step one more closer to her to size her up. Her overly animated eyes scanned Yeonhee up and down and a permanent scowl was printed on her cherry-red lips.

"Slow it down you serf." She rubbed her ear with her finger and sighed.

"Jinnie?! Did you hear what she said?!" She shrilled pointing her index finger towards Yeonhee.

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