9. Baby's Day Out

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"I really appreciate your help Jimin but I don't think you'll be able to handle him." I glanced at Jungkook behind him who was having a staring contest with Taehyung.

"Oh it's just a kid Yeonhee, and I have to repay you for giving Taehyung a shelter for the night." He smiled sweetly, the corner of his eyes crinkling.

"And make sure Yoongi doesn't kill him." I warned and he nodded still smiling.

Gosh my heart.

"Can't guarantee." Yoongi said whilst crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

"Yoongi c'mon he's just a kid!" I tried to reason.

"Kids are demons trapped inside of human beings who are small and cute."


I shook my head and thanked Jimin again before heading out for the job interview.

Yeah, a job interview. Finally.

After Jin illegally clicked my photos at the wrong time, he came to inform that the company he's working for needs an intern and he was considerate enough to put good word for me.

But another problem.

I have to leave Jungkook to Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi. If it just were Jimin, I'd be less worried but there's Taehyung who's having a heated argument with Jungkook for God knows what and Yoongi hates kids.

To put it simply, I'm dead worried.

"Cab!" The car pulled over and I quickly hopped in. Let's just focus on the interview first.

✧:゚・*°•»------🍼------«•°*・゚: ✧

"Who's a good boy? Koo's a good boy~"

"Jimin are you done?"

"Nope, I need more time with Kook!"

"Ugh how much!"

"It's just been 3 minutes and 46, 47, 48 seconds Yoongi!"

"If you want more 'baby time' then quit making weird sounds!" Yoongi snapped.

"It ain't weird sounds, it's the language you're supposed to talk with the baby!" Jimin stated.

"Yeah whatever!"

"If you're going to shout then so be it, I'm going to take the baby for a baby's day out!" Jimin harrumph-ed and grabbed Jungkook in his arms.

"If you two are done bickering then can I focus on my homework please?" Taehyung yelled from his room.

"Cut it Tae, you've finished university!"

"There isn't any age for learning!"

Jimin tsk'ed and grasped the car keys before running out. All these while Jimin was groping down the stairs, Jungkook's tiny curious gaze was set on the closed door of the ever-so-familiar apartment. Home. And a tiny smile escaped on his lips.

"These people hate babies, but not me, I love them." Jimin smiled and it was so contagious that Jungkook smiled too, a toothless one at that.

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