49. A Message

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Song recommendations - Lullaby - IU
                                            - To My Youth - BOL4

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍷------«•°*・゚:

[5 seconds till Yeonhee went berserk]

[4 seconds till Yeonhee went berserk]

[3 seconds till Yeonhee went berserk]

[2 seconds till Yeonhee went berserk]

[1 second till Yeonhee went berserk]


Jimin flinched at the loud voice directed towards him. The time was around 10 in the night yet no sign of Jungkook returning home. Yeonhee returned home an hour ago after an overtime at the office only to be met with a news that completely shattered her.

"TELL ME JIMIN WHERE IS HE?!" She grabbed the scruff of his collar and shook him violently only to have silence as the response.

Taehyung gripped her shoulders and tried to keep her at bay but she kept lunging at the poor man who was horrified himself.

"I DONT KNOW!" He snapped at last, sending her to silence. Her tries went limp as Taehyung felt like carrying a lifeless corpse.

Tears were brimming and the floodgates were begging to be open but she kept it in. Her throat hurt, her body hurt, her mind hurt, everything hurt.

She fell down and began to shake violently. Taehyung shared worried glances with Jimin as the latter subtly nodded his head. Taehyung fished out his phone and dialled the number that hopefully help her calm down.

Ring ring ring.

But he didn't pick up.

"Where the fuck is Jin when we need him?!" Taehyung whispered to himself.

Taehyung shook his head at Jimin causing him to heave a sigh and bend down to pick up the girl on the floor.

Putting an arm around his shoulder and another over Taehyung's they both carried her to her apartment and dropped her on the couch.

"Do you want some water?" Jimin asked offering her a glass of water.

She lifted her eyelashes to look at the transparent glass in front of her but she lowered them again and fell to her side, resting her head against the cushion and closed her eyes.

Sighing, he placed the glass in front of her and turned around to leave with Taehyung, "Drink it when your throat will feel parched." He suggested at the door frame.

Taehyung was reluctant to leave her but Jimin glowered at him ending him with no choice but to obey him. 'She needs time' Jimin mouthed.

The door closed with a slam, leaving her with her thoughts to accompany her. Her eyes wandered off to the ceiling, wondering where he might be.

The cops don't file a missing report until it's 24 hours, and it hasn't been over two hours yet.

He's fine.

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