52. Park Jimin's Trip To A Warehouse

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"Oi~!" Jimin grabbed her attention in a singsong voice, deliberately dragging the last letter.

"What?" Yeonhee asked quirking an eyebrow.

"I saw this somewhere." Jimin stated pointing towards the board at the entrance of the building.

"What?" She retorted once again scratching her scalp.

"Stop saying 'what'," Jimin huffed out of annoyance, "I meant I saw this name at the alley which leads us to the apartment. It's at the beginning of the alley if you remember clearly. We've passed that a lot of times, right Tae?" He nudged his elbow to Taehyung and the latter absentmindedly nodded his head.

"Hmm? Yeah." He hummed scrunching up his nose.

It was like he was present here physically but he was somewhere else mentally, probably swimming in the river of chocolate or bathing in a tub of doughnuts.

A subtle frown broke out on her lips as she put pressure on her memory to remember the thing that she has seen quite a lot of times. She sees it everyday, beginning from the time she goes out to drop the garbage to the time she returns back home at nearly midnight after returning from a late night snack shopping.

"Nevermind, let's go inside." Jimin began pulling both Taehyung and Yeonhee towards the warehouses but both of them feigned reluctance.

"What?" Now it was Jimin's turn to question, "Weren't you motivated to rescue him?"

Fiddling with the hem of her shirt, Yeonhee looked elsewhere but the scary expression of Jimin.

"We forgot our weapons back at the car." She revealed, rendering Jimin speechless.

"I hate you."

Fast forward to thirty minutes later, the panting trio finally made it back to the building holding all the heavy metal ware.

"I still hate you." Jimin declared once again wiping off sweat of his face.

"It's not like I like you too." Yeonhee said back tying up her hair in a ponytail.

A scoff was all she got in response, "Wow so cruel."

"Guys? The sun is about to set in a few hours. We should consider getting in now." Taehyung suggested comically pointing to the dark entrance with his thumb.


"Right." Both of them said at the same time causing them to look at each other in disgust.



Taehyung me internally slapped himself countless of times, giving him the punishment of being stuck between these two children.

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍷------«•°*・゚: ✧

"Wow-" Jimin muttered looking around his surroundings in awe.

"What's there to be so surprised about?" Yeonhee asked in a low voice.

"I've never been in a warehouse before. It's so cool." Jimin whispered back, clearly taken aback.

"What the fu-"

"Don't make noise! Can't you knuckheads get that through your skull?" Taehyung angry-whispered, shutting both of them off.

"Sorry commander." Jimin saluted earning a glare from the taller male.

All the three of them went further inside the warehouse. Rows upon rows, all lined up and stuffed with unopened packages. The tubelights were long broken and some of them didn't work. Wherever they went, their footprints left a mark which caused a problem if there were people inside the buildings and wanted to hunt them down.

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