53. Genius Yoongi Hyung Distributing Knowledge

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"You make really stupid decisions, I regret volunteering to come here with you."

"Shut up, you love Jungkook equally as much as I d- moving on, do you hear something?"

"Yeah, our doom." Jimin breathed heavily, ignoring the weird and abrupt stop in Yeonhee's words.

"If you talk so much, how can you listen to what I'm hearing?" This shut Jimin off as he finally paid attention to what Yeonhee was indicating to.

Low mumbles and mutters were resonated from the place behind the boxes. Clinking of utensils could be heard all the way throughout the dense place. Occasional laughs and moving shadows was visible from the tiny peeking hole in the boxes. Both of them glanced at each other in confusion, not expecting humans here.

So that means that my intuition was right...?

"We're dead." Jimin mouthed and did a gesture of sliding his thumb over his neck.

"You're dead." Yeonhee mouthed smiled wickedly.

Let's just say Jimin didn't like that look on her.

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍷------«•°*・゚: ✧

"If we get out of here fine, the first thing I'll do is to skin you alive." Jimin threatened in a low voice. He was terrified of how fast Yeonhee's brain worked in selling him out by using him in her evil plan to rescue Jungkook.

And to top it off, his death rates were as high as the sky. Even if he got lucky and didn't die, the bulky men over there would be sure to make him their slave and Park Jimin absolutely despised that possibility.

Or his imagination was playing games with him.

"You ready, weasel?" Yeonhee asked setting off a timer in her phone.

"What did you say-" Jimin's voice got cut off when Yeonhee kicked the cardboard box which penetrated through the weak wall of boxes and skillfully landed on the other side of the pathway.

She hid behind a shelf and kept her gaze locked at the parcel. Shuffling and footsteps came more closer to the door and one of them opened it. Astonishment laced on his features as he called another one from his group to check the box.

The plan was placing Jimin in a box which previously held a refridgerator. He was quite tiny and flexible so it was easier for him to hide in the box unlike a certain female who can't even touch her toes.

If the 'bad guys' take the box (which held Jimin captive) inside then the next step in the plan was to surprise them by springing out of the box and bang all of their heads with a saucepan.

And by chance, if there are more guys than he could handle then she would have to bid him goodbye.

That was the plan, there wasn't an escape route.

The guys lifted up the box so easily that she was having second doubts whether Jimin was inside or not. Then they took him inside and Yeonhee was left with anticipation and excitement to handle on her own.

One of us is missing and the other one is in the warzone. Wow.

She could make out a few groans and slashing sounds but she didn't know if it was Jimin beating their asses or them beating his ass. Probably the latter.

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