16. Drowning In Thoughts

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"Hey Yeonhee! Oh my you look like you just came back from hell."

"Because I did."

"Your work can't be that bad." Jimin said picking up Jungkook.

"Surprise surprise, yes it is."

I yawned and looked at Jungkook who was sleeping soundly in Jimin's arms. Even though Jimin's hands are quite small (no offence to him) they look quite bulky when he holds Jungkook.

Seeing all the cleaned dishes and the almost empty bowl of baby food with the dirty clothes in the laundry along with the clean house had me thinking.

Jimin would be a great dad if it weren't for his ability to make kids curse.

I'll give him a seven out of ten for that.

"Anyways, here's Jungkook. My shift will be starting anytime soon. Bye Yeonhee!"

"Thank you so much Jimin and ciao!" I waved him goodbye as he left and shut the door behind him.

Holding Jungkook really relaxed me to the core. Seeing his cute little face sleeping peacefully just had that energy to make me feel relieve and yeet that stress outside the window.

"Okay let's get this baby to bed." I placed him lightly on my bed and pulled the covers over his shoulders. He instantly snuggled into them and went into the foetus postion. I decided it'll be better to take a shower and eat whatever scrap is left in the kitchen and go to sleep.

I'm pretty tired and I'll eat poop if I don't have to cook anything.

No that's disgusting.

I pop into the shower and I don't know why but all these horrible thoughts start to come into your mind and you just don't know why the fuck are you crying but then it feels like you are in a movie and the rain is pouring down hiding your tears.

Yeah I'm dramatic.

Turning off the shower, I get out of there as fast as I can because first, I don't want any murderer murdering Jungkook and second, I wanna escape the hellhole I've created for myself.

Yeah I'm that paranoid.

Drying my hair, I march into the kitchen and check if I had any food that doesn't needs to be cooked.

Cup noodles, a worldwide delicacy.

Ditching the food hunt, I opened my cabinet where I stored my secret stash of Cup noodles. They're more precious than gold you know?

Heck, even emeralds or rubies or even painites. Just imagine Cup Noodles popping in the mine tunnels when people dig and then you learn in history that our ancestors also used to eat Cup Noodles. That would be epic.

Being tired really makes me think amazing and knowledgeable things.

As I was just about to warm the water up, I saw that thing again.

The same bottle with the off-white translucent liquid inside which I saw back in Jin's car. I don't why have I kept it here still but if it was in Jungkook's basket and labelled 'important' than it must be it.

It looks like if it's...expired.

Driving my attention back to the noisy kettle, I pour in the hot water through the slit but a slight discomfort still lingered in my mind.

Why was it there?

Who kept it there?

What's in it?

These questions roamed all around my head as I was eating my dinner. My mom once said to stop overthinking when my dad got home late from work. She has always warned me about this weird habit of mine. I always tend to overthink things and they always end up in the negative side.

If I got some answers 'C' in a row then I think that maybe I did something wrong in there. If mom calls my name, I think that maybe she's calling out to me for something I did wrong but I don't know what it is, the fear always eats me up alive until the time it's not revealed. And now I'm thinking...

What if Jungkook's parents come back to pick him up?

Over these few weeks, I've grown quite attached to him but I haven't got the time to think. Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's not.

It discards the possibilities of me overthinking about what will happen?

Why not focus on what is happening?

I threw the cup in the dustbin after licking every bit of soup in there. You can't get enough and satisfied until you literally lick your food.

I get under the sheets with Jungkook who was still sleeping soundly (suprisingly), on the other days, he would cry at the middle of the night.

Maybe Jimin tired him out. Well then I guess he will be a good company for Jungkook.

Seeing Jungkook's tranquil expression and his thumb in his mouth puts me at ease. Just looking at that grin makes my day. Jisoo was right, gazing his innocent face after a tiring day of work makes me forget all of it.

My mistakes, the pressure, the workload, that bitchy boss and the stress. All of it just makes me serene the moment I step into the house.

Earlier when I met him, I sort of hated him for bringing difficulties in my already problematic life. I just hated myself of pulling this over myself. I saw him as a curse.

But now, I'm not sure.

He feels like blessing. An angel in disguise.

Tomorrow will be a long day. Facing Jin's 'fans', completing the background check that will secure my position in the company, outwit Bitterney, buy some groceries, make sure Jimin doesn't make my cute lil' bunny a bad boy and the list goes on and on and on...

I could really use some sleep right now.

As I was about to doze off, Jungkook took his finger out of his teeth and held onto my hands.

I smiled in my half-asleep state and kissed him on the forehead before hugging him close and finally drifting off to the dreamland with him on my side.

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A/N : The fact that I've ended the chap at exact 1000 words and idk why but I'm writing nonsense here to fill the word count.

My mom used to hug me like that and I always used to suffocate in her scent. And now she always pushes me away whenever I try to hug her. SOMEONE WIPE MY TEARS PLS (个_个)

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