28. Taehyung In The Wonderland

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"Who are you!?"

"I'm Jungkook!"

"No you're not! Where's the kid tell me or I'll slit your throat!"

"I am Jungkook." The said man flinched when he saw a spoon lined with his throat. One wrong move and he'll have his Adam's apple scooped in a spoon. What a nice way to die isn't it?

He'll have this printed on his grave 'Died because his apple was scooped.'

Let's not get ahead of ourselves by planning his death already, alright?

"I'll call Yeonhee and lemme confirm it. You're lying aren't you?" Jimin pushed the spoon towards his neck more and Jungkook backed up more with his arms up in defense.

"Go on." He squeaked out.

"Fuck their personal time I'm having crisis here." Jimin muttered under his breath while he single-handedly dialled Yeonhee.

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"It's your phone!" Taehyung answered still blushing over the past incident. I carefully stepped down the stairs and picked up the phone.

"Yes Jimin?"

"DO YOU KNOW THERE'S AN INTRUDER IN YOUR HOUSE?!" I pushed the phone a little away from the ear because he was screaming too much. 

"What intruder are you talking about?" I said knowing which person he was talking about.

"There's a man claiming to be Jungkook sucking a pacifier and how can you be so calm about it?!"

"He is Jungkook." I shortly answered and hung up.

"That was a little rude wasn't it?" Taehyung asked from behind me.

"Nope, he's smart enough to pick up the clues." I smiled and began placing the banner on the wall again.

Taehyung made an excuse saying that he needed to take a piss and here I was stuck doing the decorations. Honestly, these two ducks didn't do a single thing. Taehyung blew some balloons and arranged the table because Jimin chickened out in the last minute. Okay maybe Taehyung did something, I'll have to give him the credit.

Taehyung shut the door behind him and plopped his butt down on the closed toilet lid. He still couldn't believe what happened a couple of moments before Jimin decided to interrupt.


"Yo duckling!"

"What kind of nickname is that?" He chuckled.

"A pretty one." She flipped her hair and pretended to pose for a magazine.

"Indeed." Taehyung rolled his eyes in mockery.

"Hey don't insult a duck!" She punched him in the arm and he felt as if his heart stopped for a moment.

He decided to ignore the feeling for a while and began to focus on fixing the banner. Somehow the thing was always tilted even though the failed tries of him fixing that.

"That's not how you do it!" She came over to him, screeching a stool along with her to stand on. She placed it right beside his' and stood on it. Her chest touched with his' and his brain started to malfunction. He kept on making mistakes and being clumsy more than ever, he was pretty sure he annoyed her.

Yeonhee pulled the banner upwards causing her lips slightly graze Taehyung's. She didn't notice her and her sole focus was on tying the banner together with the balloon. She might've taken it as a joke but it meant a lot to a certain lovestruck puppy.

Taehyung unconsciously touched his cheeks, his mind registering on what happened. He felt as if his whole world was decorated with glitter and flowers and everyone was dancing happily on a merry song. The sky turned a light shade of pink and red clouds hung on the canvas and in the scene sat Taehyung on a wooden bench, his hand clasping his cheek with a glimmer in his eyes.

The stars were dropping from the clouds as if tied together and the moon dropped the sky with a string dangling at the upper edge. The forest behind him grew darker as fireflies started to gather around surrounding his figure. Wind blew his hair as silently as it could as he sat their with a serene expression and a dark shade of red dabbed on his cheeks. He was ecstatic, yes. But then her phone decided to ring disrupting the imagination in his mind.

_ _

"Taehyung you there?"

"Yes! Just coming!" He quickly pressed the button and the toilet made a flushing sound. Sometimes you need to just flush your thoughts out.

He opened the door and was greeted with a grinning face of the girl he loved the most.

"It's done!" I chirped but he only gave me a slight smile in return.

What happened?

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Jimin and Jungkook were sitting at the far most edges of the couch, the shorter man still not acknowledging the fact that the man in front of him was the baby he once used to take care of.

"Are you really Jungkook?"

"A hundred times, yes." Jungkook was tired at this point and he wished that this mysterious man named Yoongi to just come back.

"I don't believe you." Jimin squinted his eyes.

"Then don't." Jungkook groaned in exasperation as he stood up and went to the kitchen for a snack hunt. He would eat even when he wasn't feeling hungry.

Jimin eyed his every move from head to toe but got startled hen he heard a low whistle tune coming from the end of the hallway. His senses were extremely fast in this areas. He dashed towards the door and opened it in a jiffy.

"Hey Hyung!" Jimin leaned against the door frame, trying to calm his breathing.

Yoongi stopped rotating his keys around and looked at him, "What do you want?"

"I got locked outside and Yeonhee was kind enough to let me stay at her home till she finds a way to open the door." Jimin lied smoothly through his teeth.

"Don't you know that I have a pair of the duplicates?" Yoongi made the 'duh' face.

As he was about to take one more step, Jimin stopped him, "There's someone I want you to meet."

"The person better be important." Yoongi clicked his tongue.

"Don't worry he is." And Jimin ushered the man inside. He mentally thanked Jungkook for saving his ass out there but felt sort of guilty because of using the oblivious man as an excuse.

"Where is he?" Yoongi asked.

"He's in there." Jimin pointed towards the kitchen where Jungkook was rummaging around for snacks, unaware of the chaotic storm that will coming for him.

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A/N: Double Update yessir!

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