8. Mornings Are Hazardous

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Rubbing my eyes vigorously, I walked out of my room and stretched out my limbs as I casually opened the milk bottle and poured down the contents in a bowl with my eyes closed as if it was a daily routine.

I threw in some cereal and started to gobble down my food.

After finishing my feast, I sleepwalked to my room and dashed straight to the bathroom. I prefer brushing my teeth after I had my breakfast because that discards the insecurity of bad breath from the often unhealthy food I have in the morning.

One towel was wrapped around my hair and another one around my body. My body shivered from the cold temperature as I saw that one of the windows were open.

I'm so stupid wow.

As I was about to close the door, I heard a groan. In instinct, I got into a kung fu position and waved them around trying to look threatening.

Kicking air, I reached the living room where I saw Jungkook resting on a small pillow. I was about to go 'awe' on the sight but there was a bigger figure right behind him. The blanket-hid thing was spooning Kook and it looked harmless but I ain't taking any chances.

I took an umbrella from the stand and positioned myself to hit him on the leg. Bracing myself, I smashed my weapon on his waist and the figure jolted up from the bed.

The blanket dropped down from its face and revealed a Taehyung in surprise and pain. His expressions distorted from that of a shock to sheer pain and agony. And to account, the guilt slowly creeping up within me.


"What the fuc-!"

And somehow, Jungkook was still sleeping peacefully amongst the racket.

✧:゚・*°•»------🍼------«•°*・゚: ✧

"Is it hurting?"



"No problem." He said but winced when I accidentally dropped the ice pack on the injured area.

"I'm really sorry Taehyung!"

"No it's really fine!" He tried to smile but he couldn't even bring himself to fake smile.

"It must have hurt badly right?"

"I told you it was fine!" He said smiling but his eyes were clearly glaring at me so I let him be.

It's morning and I did something dumb already. I should really be proud of myself.

"C'mon Kook it's time to wake up!"

"Mhm...na," He turned to his side and mumbled.

He spoke.


Caught in the euphoric moment, I forgot what I was supposed to do.

I picked him up and swirled him around but he was still sleeping. Frowning, I tried to wake him up again but to no avail.

"Kookie~ wake up!" I cooed and shook him a little.

The boy opened one of his eyes and looked at me and then wiped the dried drool off his mouth and then turned to my chest and nuzzled against my neck. And then he went back to his dreamland.

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