20. You're Not My Jungkook!

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"Mmhm!" I wiped the drool off my cheek and glanced at the clock beside me.

6:18 am.

But today is Saturday so I need not to worry about it. I snuggled more into the sheets and hugged Jungkook who was comparatively larger...?

I cracked open one eye and saw a peaceful face sleeping soundly. I smiled and hugged him even closer. The warmth immediately spread throughout my whole body as I closed my eyes and started dozing off in satisfaction.

But that peace was short-lived.

"WAIT, WHAT?!" I shrieked as I quickly got off the bed and fell of the furnitures on my back with a loud thump.

Pretty sure I broke my spine.

The man laying on my bed stretched his limbs and shielded his eyes from the sun's rays. A lazy grin made way to his lips and he dangled his legs off my bed.

"W-who are you?" I mumbled grabbing the sheet which was sitting around on the ground and covered my upper body as I inched away from him.

A cute lil' pout formed on his pink lips before tilting his head to the side confusion, "You don't recognise me...mom?"

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU AREN'T MY SON!" I screeched like a mad woman and stood, causing the sheet to lift off him and then I realised,

He was naked.


I quickly crawled my way out of the room and slammed the door shut behind me to stop myself from seeing something very sinful.

But then a certain someone flew right into my 'I-worry-about-.these-stuff-and-peeps-box' of my brain. I rubbed my eyes in frustration as I turned around to face the monstrosity behind this door.


For security, I held onto a chair and then I twisted the door knob and swung it open with all my strength.

"ALSO WHERE DID YOU KIDNAP MY BABY?!" Thankfully he was covered by the sheets or I would've assumed that the last bit of decency in him commited suicide.

"I kidnapped...no baby?" He answered but it sounded more like a question.

"That's what every kidnapper says!" And I threw a fucking chair from the dinning table on him.

"I think I might've been a little harsh..." I realised seeing his passed out figure on my bed and a broken chair leg sitting directly on top of his ding dong.


I placed carefully around the room and try to find my phone. When I found it, I hastily dialled a number and called the person that could only help in this situation.

"Jin, at my place, now and bring some of your clothes too."

I heard a whiny groan from the other side of the line and a few shuffling of things, "Only one holiday I get after a long-ass meeting and now I have to wake up this early too! Anyway, how serious is the situation on the scale of ten?"

"An 11." I answered gravely.

"Alright, I'm heading over there right now but don't complain when you smell my morning breath." I could hear the keys jingle and the shutting of doors. I muttered a quick 'okay' and hanged up.

Now where's Jungkook?"

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍼------«•°*・゚: ✧

"So that's I problem I assume?" Jin cocked one eyebrow.

"Yeah." I replied stoutly.

The unknown man was laid on the couch, dressed in a grey sweatshirt and black loose-fitted pants. Although the clothes were a little baggy but he looked good in them. Cute and cuddly.

Baby Or Daddy? (JJK) ✓Where stories live. Discover now