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Before the dawn of Earth there was plenty of intelligent life elsewhere. This included a race of beings earth would come to know as Angels. When Angels finally discovered the planet of Earth it saw there were other beings already at play with the planet. They reigned as gods over certain areas leaving much of humanity without a belief system. The Angels found those areas to be in chaos not knowing how to behave without some greater power leading them. This is how the Christian god came to be. This being doesn't actually exist but was created by the Angels to reign the humans in. The Angels gave them some basic, common sense rules and then left the humans to it. When the Angels later checked in they were unsurprised to find that humans had corrupted the rules they were left with. The humans had created a whole Bible of lies. Their god made a woman out of a bone from man to show women were lesser beings? Bitch please doesn't exist in the Angels vocabulary, but you can imagine that what they said when they saw this lie was very similar.

When they came back it was at this time they realized they had mates among these humans. Angels aren't the same as the supernatural beings that would come to be on earth. They have mates but they're pretty indifferent to them. Angels are pretty indifferent beings period. They literally use their mates to mate. If they're lucky to create life with their mates then that's the only love they legitimately feel. They will rain heaven and hell on earth for their offspring.

Angels aren't beautiful like some believe. The reason that belief exists is because the Angels will appear how their mate desires in order to successfully mate with their partner. Otherwise they don't have an appearance really. To say they're androgynous wouldn't even cover it. They don't even look like parts of either sex. They're humanoid but they have no breasts, no sexual organs until the need arises for a mate, and they don't have facial appearance. If one ever saw an actual angel and they didn't appear to them as someone they must have and be with then you know your time is up. Anytime an angel has been spotted something catastrophic followed. You could say they only bring misfortune, but the truth is you brought it on yourself. Enough on the history of Angels and let's delve into the point of bringing up the angels. In 1489, a certain Angel met a certain doppelganger who was his mate. They had a torrid affair that led to her falling pregnant with this Angel's offspring. The Angel was elated when they found out and quickly went into protective mode. They went through the time lines and discovered they needed to save their child. The Angel took their child from the womb and planted her into the womb of another far, far into the future. They easily planted another baby they couldn't care less about into the doppelganger.

The Angel watched over their mate not because they cared but they wanted to ensure their mate would meet their child in the future. They were part of the driving force in the doppelganger's absolute need to survive. They influenced her in her run from a certain hybrid. They influenced a certain vampire to give the doppelganger their blood. They then influenced the doppelganger to kill herself leading to her life of vampirism. Did the Angel care that the doppelganger would spend her life on the run along with the pair of vampires who helped her? Not in the least. It was all for his little angel.

Which is why when time meets up with the 1990's we finally get to meet his little angel. The future holds a woman of the Petrova line giving birth to twin girls or so we're led to believe. If you're wondering how there is a woman from the Petrova line if Nadia isn't really a Petrova well then let me explain. Since Katarina's family was slaughtered no one realizes her little sister survived. See Klaus may be many things but stupid isn't one of them. So when he found that Katarina had a little sister he let her live so that eventually a new doppelganger would be born. He compelled that little girl to forget what she witnessed and gave her to a new family who he compelled to believe was their daughter. That is how the Petrova line continued.

I digress the time now was July 22, 1992, when not one but two babies were born. Everyone was surprised by the second baby as only one was ever seen but that's known to happen, so it was shrugged off.

"We only agreed to take in one daughter for you John. Not two." Grayson told his brother.

"They're both beautiful. We'll take them both. We may never have one of our own Gray. Don't be a prat." Miranda scolded as she looked at both babies.

Grayson is many things which mostly lead to him being an evil piece of shit. But there is no doubt he loves his wife, so he agreed.

"Well, what shall we name her? We only chose the name Elena." Grayson asked his wife.

The wife was suddenly inspired or should we say influenced by an invisible Angel in the room.

"Nikolina Katarina Gilbert." Miranda said decisively.

"Nice. They can go by Lina and Lena." Grayson said with a shrug.

"Can you take them now? I can't bear to see them or hear them anymore." Isobel mumbled from the bed.

Grayson disliked her but Miranda understood. She knew Isobel loved her daughters and was only making the best choice for them.

"Clean them up honey so we can go." Miranda advised her husband who was also the acting doctor for the birth.

And that is the story of how an Angel hybrid came to be born in the time when all shit would hit the fan.

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