The Waiting Game

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Elijah arrived in town quietly with his witches on standby. We spent time getting to know each other before it became time to let the Scoobies know he was in town. Elena set things in motion that led to Slater's death. Not that she knew it yet, but she was soon to find out. As she left for Slater's apartment I reached out to Niklaus on my own. Elijah was busy going after her to protect her, so it was the perfect time.

"What are you going to say to him?" Care Bear, who was of course with me, asked.

"To the one who wishes to howl at the moon,

I have the mirror image that you need here in the town where it all began. The full moon is approaching, and we have much to discuss. See you soon. XOXO, the mirror's twin"

Caroline read the message and shrugged.

"Do you think it'll work?" Care asked.

"I don't see why not. It's pretty direct without giving anything away to anyone who wouldn't know. It's how he receives messages through Craigslist in code. So he'll be checking. That's how the recently deceased Slater got through to him." I answered.

"When are you going to post it?" Care asked.

"After I see Elena's posted her own message and it's been removed." I explained.

We waited until Elena's message popped up which wasn't in code at all. I may or may not have face palmed. Thirty minutes later give or take it was removed. I waited another thirty minutes before posting my own message.

"Done!" I said happily.

"What's next?" Care asked.

"Elena will make her deal with Elijah and then break it. I will keep Elijah in the land of living and strike my own deal not that I actually need to make a deal but just for them to not realize I'm playing all sides." I said.

"When can we expect Klaus?" Care asked.

"He will arrive before the awful 60's dance." I said.

"Ok, now onto the important information. Are you still a virgin? How was Elijah in the bed? Spill all the details." Caroline spit fired at me.

"You know I'm not telling without Vicki here. Besides there's nothing to tell. It doesn't feel right for me to take that step with him just yet." I said.

"What do you mean?" Care asked.

"I mean I don't think he's the only one. My only mate. A piece feels missing." I said.

A few days passed when Elijah made his appearance at our house. It was then that Elena made her deal to protect the ones she loves. Then some more time passed, and I heard John planning to get rid of Damon and Elijah with a dagger. So when Elijah invited me to dinner I happily tagged along.

"You weren't invited." Damon said when he opened the door and saw me.

"Yes she was. She's my date. I hope you don't have anything dastardly planned as it won't go well for you." Elijah said.

"Of course not." Damon said with a confidant smirk as he let us in.

"This is John who is the father of the twins, my girlfriend Andi, and Ric. John is not on the protected list so do as you may with him." Damon said with a smirk.

"Andi isn't his real girlfriend. No one would date him without being compelled. Nonconsensual sex is the only sex he can get. The only relationship as well." I whispered to Elijah who kept his face blank.

But Damon's anger was loud and clear on his face.

"So we wanted to meet to see how your plan will work. I mean I don't care about the plan just about my daughter's survival." John said.

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