Nurses and Doctors

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I walked into the room, Sqaishey came in right after me. As I came in, a nurse walked out of the room.
I can't take it! Seeing a friend in pain, is just to horrible of a scene.
"Hey Stampy." I said. "Hi" he quietly responded. "Guess who's here." "Who?" "Well, I told Sqaishey to come and visit. She's our friend now, She deserves to know what happened." "Really? I'm your friend?" She asked. "Yeah, welcome to the MAC! You've been talking to me, Squid, and Stampy for a while now, and you seem really nice. If you don't wanna be a part of the MAC, then that's alright." I said. "Are you kidding me? Of course I'd want to be a part of the MAC! Thanks so much." "No problem." I replied. "Hi Sqaishey, it means so much to us all that your here. I'm sure that Squid feels the same way." Stampy said. "Thanks Stampy." Sqaishey answered.
As she went to sit beside Stampy who was now on the wooden chair beside the window of Squid's hospital room, they started talking, and 30 minutes later was when a nurse came in. The same nurse that was here before.
"Hello, are you all Squid's friends? If so, i have some news for you all." She said with a hint of sadness hidden in her voice. What was she going to say? It better be some good news.
"Yes, we're his friends, what's the news, is he going to be ok?" Stampy said, taking the exact words that I was going to say.
"Alright then, well first off he has a large burn on his shoulders from where the soup was spilled on. It must have been really hot. Next, the pan that the soup was in, hit him on his head, causing a bit of damage. Luckily, we are able to fix that. Once we do, he will be able to go home. The injuries weren't that bad, so he may go home tomorrow." She finished off. "Ok, thank you." I replied. "You may stay with him here, or leave then come back to visit tomorrow." She added. "I think that we'll stay here, right guy's?" Sqaishey said. "Yep." Me and Stampy simply replied. With that, the nurse walked out of the room.
In a couple of hours, we all fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day...
Once I woke up, I noticed that Squid wasn't in the room like before. Where had he gone to? I walked over to where Sqaishey was and shook her slightly, so that she would wake up. "Sqaishey, wake up." I whispered. "Uhh, what happened?" She managed to say, as she began drifting off to sleep again. "Squid's gone!" "What? No he is not..." She responded realizing that I won't let her go back to sleep until she helps me. She stood up, and realized that I was right. "Your right, where is he? Should we wake up Stampy?" Sqaishey informed me.
Just before I could answer, two doctors walked in...
With Squid.
So he's fine, I was wrong...
"Hi, You may take Squid home once your all ready. We performed a mini operation this morning, and he's all fine. Just a bit tired that's all. Everything will be back to normal once he gets some rest." The doctor told us. Then left the room.
I went to go and wake up Stampy, to tell him the news.
That's when we finally checked out of this hospital and went back home. I got into my car, with Stampy and Squid. Told Sqaishey their apartment address so that she could meet us there, and started the car. Happy that everything was going to go back to the way that it was before.

Well, well, well, things are going to be back to normal huh? Well not for long... LOL, just kidding! I have no idea what's going to happen next, guess that we'll have to just wait and see. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!!!

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