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Sqaishey POV
I went upstairs to see what happened to Stampy.

And let me just say that, that was the worst mistake of my life.

He broke up with me...

I though that we were perfectly great together! I thought that we were both happy... I guess that I was wrong...

Cause he clearly doesn't feel the same way about me as I do for him...

And he brought my father into this!?!? What kind of an excuse was he going to say? That my father somehow hit in contact with Stampy and told him to break up with me? Yeah right! My father is the best, he wouldn't do that.

Would he?

No! If course not!

What excuse does he have for breaking up with me? And how does my father have anything to do with this?

How dare he bring him into this!

This isn't his fault... It's Stampy's. No, wait... It's Joseph's fault I don't know anyone named 'Stampy' anymore. All I know is a cruel, cruel guy named Joseph...

I don't know anyone named Stampy from now on...

I stormed out of the room crying, because of all that yelling. I ran into the guestroom, and plopped myself onto the bed. I started crying even more, and I guess that someone heard all that yelling and crying, and decided to come to see what happened. There was a knock on the door, followed by Amy's voice.

I let her in.

"Sqaishey, what happened? Oh... He told you didn't he? At least your still together! Your father won't hurt you anymore, ok?" Amy said to comfort me. "My father wasn't the one who hurt me! That Joseph guy did..." I told her. "What'd he do?" "H-he b-bro-ke up with me..," I stuttered, as more and more tears came down my face. "What?!?! But Sqaishey! He loves you!" Amy said In a shocked tone of voice. "I guess not..." I muttered.

"I'll go talk to him, and see why he would even do such a thing." She insisted. "Thanks!" I replied, with that, she was out if the room...

Squid POV
Me and Amy were watching a show on T.V, when we heard some screaming from upstairs. Amy went to go check on Sqaishey, so I went to go and check on Stampy.

I ran upstairs, and knocked on Stampy's door.

He let me in.

"Mate! What just happened?!?! All I heard was you two screaming at each other! You know very well to not scream at anyone, especially a girl. And even more importantly... Your girlfriend!" I raised my voice.

"I'm sor-ry... It's just that I broke up with her, cause of what her father said, and she didn't even let me explain!" He informed me. "Mate? It doesn't matter, you love her, and she loves you, so why does it matter to what her father says?" I asked. "Cause I want her to be safe. And if I didn't do this, who knows what'll happen? Who knows what he'll do?" He replied as he face palmed himself. "Look, I think that you should tell her what happened!" I said, and then left the room, leaving him speechless. So that he couldn't say 'no'. But once I closed the door, I heard him mutter an 'ok' under his breath.

I walked out of the rooms and saw Amy heading this way.

Was she going to talk to Stampy?

"Hey Amy, how'd it go with Sqaishey?" I asked. "Not well..." "Yeah, same with Stampy. But on the bright side, he's going to talk to Sqaishey, so that they can sort all of this out." "Ok, so I won't go, just in case he wants to go now." "Good idea, here... How about we let them sort things out, and you and I go downstairs and have some snacks!" "Sure!" She replied. And with that, we went back downstairs, leaving Stampy and Sqaishey alone to talk.

Hopefully they'd sort all of this out.


That's all we can do right now..

Hi!!! Is Stampy actually going to tell Sqaishey about what happened, or did he just say that so that Squid would leave? Who knows? And what will Sqaishey's reaction be? Yeeep! Hahaha! Lol! Sorry about that! Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter as there are many more to come! Byeee!!!

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