The phone call.

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Stampy POV
Amy went to go tell Sqaishey that we're going to be spending the day here, at home. That's when I got a phone call, I didn't recognize the number, but decided to pick up...

"Hello, is this Joseph Garret?" The man on the other side of the phone call asked. "Yes it is, may I ask who this is?" "No, you may not! I'll ask the questions here..." That's when I got terrified.

"Excuse me? Do I know you?" "You don't know me... But you know my daughter." "Your daughter? Who is she?" I asked as 'confusion' spread across my face.

"Stampy! Who is it?" Squid whispered. "I don't know!" I mouthed out the words to him, so that the man on the other line wouldn't hear me.

"You know very well who my daughter is, her name is Beth..."

"Oh, your Sqai- I mean Beth's, father!" I exclaimed. "Yes, I am." He sternly replied.

"How'd you get my phone number? It's so nice to finally get to meet you- well... Talk to you!" I told him.

"Yes, thank you. Now, you don't need to know how I got your number, you just need to listen to me..."

"Umm, ok." I replied.

Why was he calling me? Why was Sqaishey's father, out of all people, calling me?

"Now listen... Stay away from Beth, or you'll regret it. I don't want you near her, ever again! I don't want you to even talk to her, and I certainly don't want you two, to be together... So break up with her, I'm giving you three days, and that's it, you got that?"

"Why?" I asked, as tears formed in my eyes.

"Cause your a bad influence to her!!!" He yelled at me. "Three days, or else!!!" He threatened me. Then turned off the phone leaving me speechless.

What is he even going to do to me, if I didn't break up with her?

He seemed like a strong man, like someone who isn't afraid to do what they say they are going to do.

He scared me, so I'll have to think about this...

I mean it was her father, he knows what's best for her, doesn't he?

I'll do whatever makes Sqaishey happy...

I was going to have to talk to her...


"Squid, it was Sqaishey's father, he wants me to break up with her..." I told him. Then before he could answer, some footsteps were heard, Amy and Sqaishey were coming... How was I going to tell her?

Hi!!! I hope that your enjoying this book so far, and that you liked this chapter! More updates will be out soon! Bye!!!

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