Telling each other?

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Sqaishey POV
I decided that I should just get it over with and tell Stampy the truth, he deserves to know the truth. Here is goes...
I headed down the stairs, Amy followed behind me. "Squid! Put it away, they're coming!" Stampy whisper-screamed. I still don't know what was in those bags... "I have to talk to you Stampy." I began. "As a matter of fact, I have to talk to you too..." He replied. "Ok. let's go into the living room." I suggested. "Sure." He answered as he took my hand and lead me into the living room. We both sat down, and I let him talk first, even though he had insisted that i go first. "Ok, here I go..." He began, as he took out a bag, with gifts in them! He handed it to me and told me to open it. Inside I had found a small yellow box, with a note on it. "Can you read the note first please." Stampy asked me. "Of course." I said as I took the note off the box. In it were 6 simple words, that read:

Will you go out with me?

"Stampy! Oh that's so sweet! Of course i will!" "Really? you will?" He asked. "Absolutely! So that's what was in those bags! Squid had one bag too, is he going to ask Amy to go out with him? They would make a cute couple!" I asked. "You'll see." He answered as he leaned over and kissed me on my cheek. A small blush rose up my cheeks as he did so. Once he had pulled away, we both just sat there staring at each other, unable to believe that we were now together. We were now Sqampy. He told me to open the box, so that's exactly what I did. In it was...
A necklace, a silver necklace! That said my name on it!
"Stampy, you shouldn't have! It's so beautiful!!! I love it, thanks so much!" I thanked him. "Anything for you!" He replied. I gave him the necklace and he put it on me. I put my hands into his and we kissed.
We were now a couple! My crush asked me out! This is amazing!

Oh great, I just remembered that what I was going to say, is going to ruin everything. It's better that he knows the truth. I kept telling myself that, so that if I said it enough times maybe I would believe it. But it didn't help.
"Ok, your turn Sqaishey, what were you going to say?" He asked me. "Please Stampy, I want to know that you trust me. This is going to sound a bit strange... But it's true." I started off. "I've been hearing these random voices, that no one else seems to be hearing." I said as fast as I could. But Stampy seemed to understand every single word that I said. "You think that I'm insane, don't you?" "Sqaishey, I don't think that your insane! It's alright! I believe you! I know you well enough, to know that your not lying! Don't worry, I'll help you figure all of this out, ok?" He said as he pulled me into a hug. "Thanks, you always know what to say." I told him. We started talking about what to do, and ended off deciding to watch a movie. We watched Night at the Museum. It's such a great movie, especially watching it with such a great person! This was one of the happiest days of my life!!!


Squid POV
Stampy was in the living room with Sqaishey, he was going to tell her how he felt about her. So that left me and Amy in the kitchen... This is my chance to ask her out, i couldn't risk missing it. But deep inside I felt as if she was going to say no, and that i shouldn't even try...
Should I?
I don't even know what to do...
So I decided not to do anything. Stampy was much braver than me, and I guess that in just going to have to except that. But before I could leave...
Amy came up I me and told me that she had wanted to talk to me.
About what?
I obviously agreed and decided to be brave and tell her everything. We went upstairs in the hallway and started talking. I had insisted that she goes first, and so she did. "Ok, well... I like... Yo-i mean Tomatoes!" She said. "Oh ok... So what did you really want to tell me?" "That I like you." She answered, this time with all her nervousness gone. Wow... She likes me! Now my turn, I guess.
"Really, cause that's exactly what I was going to tell you! That I like you." I said as I took her hand and held it in mine. We both started blushing so hard that our faces were bright red. I decided to take my chance and ask her out on a date. "So how would you like to go put on a date with me?" "That would be amazing!" She answered happily. I took out a box, and told her to open it!


Squid just told me to open the box that he had in his hand, he said that it was for me! I wonder what it is!
Inside of the pink box, I found a silver necklace with my name on it!
"Squid! It's gorgeous!" I said as I handed it to him. He opened the lock and put it on me. "It's no problem, I'm just happy when your happy! I'll do anything for you!" He replied. I gave him a hug, not wanting to let go. None of us pulled away so I guess that we both wanted to stay like that. When we dd pull away, I kissed him, and he kissed back! I can't believe this! We were now Sqamy!
Me and Squid returned to the kitchen, and saw that Stampy and Sqaishey were doing the same!
"So are you guys together, cause your holding hands!" I asked them. "Yep, we're Sqampy!" Stampy replied. "And what about you two?" Sqaishey asked. "We're now Sqamy!" We all cheered and laughed for around 30 more minutes.
Thats when something that was completely unexpected to happen, happened...

Sqaishey suddenly began screaming in fear...

She was pointing somewhere, but there wasn't anything there. What was going on?

She started crying as well.

Did she hear that voice again?

What just happened?

I came over to her and started to comfort her. But nothing seemed to be working...what was I going to do?

Hi!!! What's up you guys? I hope that your enjoying this book so far! I'll update soon! Bye!

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