Amy decides

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I ran out of the room, crying. There were footsteps following me. I didn't even bother to look back to see who it was, I just slammed the living room door shut. I ran to the couch and jumped on. I started crying even more. That's when a knock came. Followed by the twist of the doorknob... Oh great, i forgot to lock it... Sqaishey poked her head through the door, and asked if she could come in. She told me that she was the only one there, and that Stampy stayed with the guys. He stayed back with them, so that if something else happens, like another fight or argument, then Stampy would take care of it, so that we didn't have to worry about it.

I told her that she could come in, so that's what she did. She sat beside me, and rubbed my back. "It'll be ok Amy, I know for a fact that you'll make the right decision. I'll be here for you if you need me." Sqaishey told me. "Ok, thanks. I just don't know what to do. That ghost came again, and he said that he knows what i should do. If i listen to him then he said that he'll leave and if i don't, then he'll start haunting us all. And to make things worse, i dont even know who i want to be with..." I told her, while she sat there listening, and nodding her head. "Ok, well... what decision did the ghost want you to make?" She asked. "He didn't say anything else, I guess that i have to ask." I told her. "Alright... so how do we ask, he needs to come back..." Then as if on cue, the ghost reappeared.

"The decision is simple..." He began.

"Pick Lee... and i'll leave you all alone..." He continued.

Is Lee the one who I want? Should I listen to the ghost? Why was this such a difficult decision to make? What do I do?

"And you'll leave us all alone... right?" I asked, to make sure he does what he told me that he will do. "Yes..." He answered, and with that he disappeared.

"Should I pick him?" I asked Sqaishey. "I think that you should do what your heart desires... I cant tell you what to do in this particular situation... If you really like him, then that's what you should do..." She answered, then left the room.

I sat there thinking about Squid and Lee. Squid is funny, but serious at times. He's good looking, and smart. Meanwhile Lee is mostly funny and good looking, but cranky at times... (By the way, what i'm saying right now, is not real, neither is this story. Just sayin. Anyways, back to the book!) I don't even know who to pick, they're both great...

I sat there thinking for at least half an hour, then it came to me...

I know exactly who I want to be with...

And that person is...


I have to go tell them.

I made my way up the stairs, and knocked on the door... Lee was the one to answer.

Hi!!! What's up? She picked Lee!!! AAAHHHH!!! It's gonna be L FOR AMY LEE 33!!! OHH... and i have such a great idea for what's about to happen next!!! Sorry to all the Sqamy fans, by the way. Sqamy might be a thing in the future chapters, but for now, it's l for amy lee 33, hint, hint, wink, wink... LOL. Sorry about that, i just had too!!! It's just too good!!! I'm not just saying it because it's my book, by the way. I'm just really excited about what's going to happen next. Me and my BFF were talking, and she gave me the greatest idea ever! So thanks to you! Ok guys, I'll be sure to update soon, sice i'm back from my trip! Yay! Lots of updating time!!! Anyways, i really appreciate those of you that take the time to read this book, comment, and even vote! So a big shout-out to all of you! Thanks so much! It truly means a lot to me! Bye!!! ~Liz.

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