Stampy and Sqaishey

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Stampy POV
I went upstairs to Sqaishey's room, I needed to explain...

I knocked at her door and she sourly answered. "Who is it? Cause I don't want to talk." "It's me, Stampy..." I answered trying to sound calm. "Just let me explain! Please, then if you still don't want to be together, I'll respect that..." "Fine." She answered while coming to the door, unlocking it, and motioning me to come inside.

I came in and sat beside her, this was it, I was going to have to tell her...

"Sqaishey, it all started off with a phone call I got. Squid was there, so he witnessed it..." I began. "Go on..." She told me. "Well... I didn't know who it was, but I picked it up... I put it on speaker phone, and it was your father..." "Don't bring him into this Stampy... I'm giving you a chance, so why don't you just tell me the truth..." Sqaishey asked. "I am! Ask Squid! Anyways, he threatened me to break up with you! I didn't want you and I to be in danger, so I just did it!" I cryed. "Stop lying and tell me the truth, I'm giving you one last chance..." Sqaishey informed me. "I am! I'll prove it! Here, lets go ask Squid, he was there when it happened!" I remembered. "Fine..." Sqaishey said as me and her went downstairs to the living room.

Once we came downstairs, we saw that Squid and Amy were watching a movie. "Mind if you pause it for a minute or two?" I asked. "Ok, so what's up?" Squid said as he reached for the remote, and paused the movie. He then turned to us and remembered what had been happening. "Is it true that Sqaishey's father called and threatened me to break up with her?" I asked. "Yes, it's true, how come? Oh... You didn't believe him, didn't you?" Squid answered. "Well... I did believe him... I just didn't want to believe it..." She replied.

"Oh Sqaishey! It'll be alright! Trust me!" Amy said as she rushed over to her, and gave her a hug.

They both pulled away, when I decided to ask Sqaishey something.

"Now that you know the truth, I'd understand if you'd just want a break from all that's happened... A break from our relationship, that is..." "I'll think about it... But for now, can we forget these past few days even happened? I'm sure that he won't hurt us, since he got what he wanted..." Sqaishey said letting her voice trail off near the end if her sentence. "Ok, friends?" I asked. "Friends!" She said with a smile on her face.

At least that awful past is now forgotten about and we could move on to the great future that's ahead if us all...

"Ok, since we're all friends again... Do you guys want to watch this movie with us?" Squid asked.

I looked at Sqaishey and we both nodded our heads in agreement.

"Yep!" We both answered at the exact same time.

"Great! Then, lets watch!" Any cheered as me and Sqaishey took our seats.

I know that me and Sqaishey may not be together anymore, but I'm just happy that we're able to still be friends.

Hi!!! Waz up? Eeee!!! Long time no see on this book, I'm so sorry about that, BTW. I really am sorry about not updating in a really long time, I've just been experiencing writers block, but now I'm back with great ideas! So stay tuned folks! Lol! Also, sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter than usual, its that I have this idea, and I need to get it to start, so yeah! You guys know what I mean! Hopefully! Ok anyways, with that all being said... Byeee!!!

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