☆Chapter 2 - You're My Butterfly☆

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"Y/N! Y/N! Open open!" I heard my door being banged on. I looked to my clock on my bedside table, reading '10:33am'

I gasped and sat up immediately, it seemed like I did that everyday now, I cleared the hair that felt out of place, and then attended to the matter. "Ch-Charlie?! Why didn't you wake me up before? And why are you even still here? Did you miss the bus again?! You could walk to school alone for once y'know!" I yelled out. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, "I could just tell mom I was sick today.." I thought. I waited for Charlie to reply back, but it didn't come. Instead I heard hurried footsteps go downstairs. I got confused. Why didn't he say anything back? Is what I was asking myself. I decided to go down and see what was going on. Upon opening my door I peeked out. I heard light laughter, it was so familiar...I hoped... It wasn't him. But, of course despite my unconfrontational nature, it had been too late..

"Come on! You gotta see Y/N!" I heard Charlie exclaim

I still didn't know who it was. Only that I knew them.

As I stood there, contemplating and thinking, I heard the jingles of small bells.

"No god dammit..." I whispered to myself. I saw Charlie hurry up the stairs and I couldn't keep my eyes open. I wanted so badly to go back into my room. The room of sorrow and tears and loneliness. At least, that's what it felt like to me. I heard the stairs creak under the weight of the unknown person. I stood there, perfectly still. Balling up my fists and keeping my eyes so shut.

Suddenly I felt the arms of someone wrap around me. It wasn't a peppermint smell and they were much bigger than Bernard's lanky like form. I opened my eyes. I saw a white beard and a red Christmas sweater.

"Dad!" I couldn't hold it in. I was so happy. I hadn't seen in two years after all. I heard silent cries. I looked up, Dad was in tears. I felt a warm droplet go down my face as well. I wiped it away. "I missed you guys so so much. I'm sorry I never did visit. I just..." He looked to me. I was really hoping not to bring Bernard into this conversation and I also hoped his visit wasn't about him. But then again, it could've been me just being infatuated with him. I knew that Dad knew it it too. I supposed this visit was to discuss the behavior I was exhibiting. Charlie hugged Dad too, "Just what Dad?" He asked.

Dad shook his head. "Nevermind, I just wanted to visit my lovely lovely kids!" He held us tighter. "Hey Dad!"

"Yeah sport?"

I almost winced

"Can we go rollerskating?!"

I chuckled a bit. It was a school day and we had already missed it. But I suppose it was just because of something weird. Like maybe, Dad told Neil and Mom that he'd be coming over today. Whatever it was I nodded.

Dad hesitated but nodded. "Yeah of course thats like a great idea!"

Now I winced, we weren't the same age as the kids he usually worked for.

Charlie nodded excitedly and darted off to his room to go put on some clothes and find our roller skates. But, before I could go off to my own room Dad grabbed my wrist. His nice and friendly tone of voice soon turned into one of worry and concern. I sighed. I wondered what it was about.

Dad sat me down shortly after in a seat in the dining room. I crossed my fingers I was scared. He sat down in front of me. He looked up at me and hesitated to speak, "Y/N... You know I know about... really everything basically, so I... I just wanted to talk" I didn't move an inch. I didn't know how much time we had to even talk but Dad must have planned this.

"I-... sure yeah okay..." I whispered.

He took one of my hands in his, despite not seeing us for two years he sure was still such a father figure to me. "Y/N... I just... I hate to bring him up. I know how much you struggle to even think about him. He... had to have some time off. Y'know to get his mind off things." He paused, this made me frustrated. "He really does love you Y/N... He tells me stuff sometimes. Like once, he described a night with you. He said that it was perfect. He told me that he stole glances from you every time when you weren't looking. Always admiring you. Always. He said at the end of the night. When you guys winded down you tugged on his sleeve and-" He stopped himself upon seeing me furrow my eyebrows in an attempt to hold back tears. Dad reached over the table and hugged me, but it wasn't anything like Bernard's hugs. Trying to hold back tears failed and I broke down, sobbing and Dad rubbed my back. "I just- I- I love him so much Dad, but-but I- He doesn't so it-it hurts so much" I tripped over my words. "I miss him but it feels like he doesn't miss me, he's never visited me and it hurts so much Dad... so much..." I trailed off. Dad nodded here and there. The black hole in my heart opened even more.

"Come on, go get changed. Lets have some fun with your brother today don't worry about him right now" Dad let go and I nodded sniffing and going up the stairs. I hated being dismissed like that right in the midst of my feelings.

As I walked into my dimly lit room, I got flashbacks.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong Y/N?"
warm embrace full of love...

I felt warm tears form in my eyes again...

"Come on let's get you on the bed"
holding me close...not letting go

They start to form a stream down my face

"There's that smile"

I fall to the floor with an aching heart

"I'll be here"

The silence... loneliness encapsulates me in a bubble of only myself.

Author's Note~
... heyyyyyy

I so sorry for the sudden and abrupt month long break. You guys are probably not interested in this story anymore but the break was needed. I mean I knew if I kept going at it on this chapter I would have made something not enjoyable to read soooooo. ITS QUALITY VS. QUANTITY GUYS PLS DON'T BE MAD

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