Author's Note (DON'T GET MAD AT ME)

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Yikes soooo, I just wanted to put out there that when I got back from my month break I guess I was idk in a happier state than usual and although thats like great I forgot my limits and I've decided to end the fanfic just for my mental reasons. I'm very very sorry, when I started the first book I made it for my group of friends and then all my lovely lovely fans came along but idk I guess I pushed myself too hard. (I also had a normal sleep schedule-) I don't think I can create good content for you guys unless I'm hyper-fixated on it.

BUT I will be making a Valentine's Day chapter that'll come out on Valentine's Day (ET time) itself and it'll be on this book. SOOOOO yeah I just feel really bad and I'm sorry but I AM taking requests for new fanfics of any kind. (Probably not any Harry Potter ones) BUT WE'LL WAIT AND SEE. I'll pick one that I can update regularly so I don't leave you guys like I did this book.

I just never expected to have so many people enjoy what I write like this and I might've bit off more than I can chew with this one.

- Love

☆Thin Ice☆ - Bernard x Y/N (gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now